Videograph / Mediengestalter Bild und Ton (m/w/d)
Gestalte mit uns die Energiewende
Die Zukunft, TESVOLT und Du – gemeinsam formen wir die Energiewende
mit hochmodernen & effizienten Stromspeichern „Made in Germany“. Unsere Mission ist es, immer und überall bezahlbare Energie zu ermöglichen.
Hierarchie, Bürokratie und Formalismus bremsen Dich aus? Dank unserer agilen Organisationsform verzichten wir auf all das. So können wir die kollektive Intelligenz am effektivsten nutzen. Entscheidungen werden gemeinsam im Team getroffen, sodass sich jeder Einzelne optimal einbringen kann.
Aufgrund der erhöhten weltweiten Nachfrage unserer Produkte suchen wir Verstärkung!
Deine Aufgaben
- Als Teil des Academy Teams kreierst Du zielgruppengerechten Content für alle unsere Kommunikationskanäle und pflegst diesen
- Du kümmerst dich um die Konzeption, Planung und Durchführung von Videodrehs gemäß Styleguides
- Du verantwortest die firmeninternen Fernseh- und Tonstudios, auch den Auf- und Abbau des „rollenden Studios“ bei Messeauftritten etc.
- Du koordinierst unsere Live-Video-Seminare und Streaming-Events
- Du erstellst Vlogs verschiedenster Events und Trainingsseminare
Dein Profil
- Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium in Bewegtbild oder eine Ausbildung zum Mediengestalter (m/w/d) Bild & Ton, Film- und Videoeditor (m/w/d) oder Kameramann (m/w/d)
- Du bist Autodidakt oder hast bereits Erfahrungen in einer selbstständigen Tätigkeit oder Agentur sammeln können
- Mit den gängigen, aktuellen Mediengestaltungsprogrammen bist du bestens vertraut
- Du bist kreativ, teamfähig und hast ein Gespür für Details & finalisierst Deine Projekte termingerecht
- Du hast eine saubere und fehlerfreie Ausdrucksform in Deutsch & Englisch
Warum wir?
- Es grünt grün. Gemeinsam gestalten wir unsere Zukunft nachhaltig.
- Wissenszeitalter, statt Industriezeitalter. Dank unserer agilen Organisationsform verzichten wir auf Hierarchien als Flaschenhals. Entscheidungen werden im Team getroffen. So kann jeder Einzelne sich optimal einbringen.
- Auch wir müssen unsere Batterien aufladen. Deshalb stehen jährlich das Sommer- & Winterfest, sowie Teamentwicklung-Events an.
- Der Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft. Mit unserem Hybridmodell hast du die Möglichkeit sowohl im Büro als auch tageweise im Home Office zu arbeiten.
- Wir leben nur einmal. Wir bieten dir eine Reihe an Möglichkeiten, dein Privat- und Familienleben optimal mit deiner Arbeit in Einklang zu bringen.
- Zu Fuß oder auf Rädern? Mit Bikeleasing kannst Du mit Deinem Traumrad jedes Ziel erreichen.
- Routine aus, Phantasie an. Wir stellen allen Mitarbeiter:innen für individuelle Weiterbildung ein festes Weiterbildungsbudget zur Verfügung. Heureka!
All das und noch mehr erwartet Dich bei TESVOLT!
Mathias Zdzieblowski
Team Academy
Am Heideberg 31
06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
T +49 (0) 3491 / 87 97 100
Related jobs:
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is looking for a Utility Crew member to assist with game-day technical operations. This hands-on role involves setting up, supporting, and breaking down production equipment to ensure a smooth live event. It’s an excellent opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other essential production gear
- Must live within 65 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Must be a quick learner and adaptable to fast-paced environments
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry standards
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is seeking a Utility Crew member to assist with game-day technical operations. This role involves setting up, maintaining, and breaking down production equipment to ensure seamless event coverage. Ideal for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other production gear
- Must live within 65 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Must be a quick learner and adaptable to fast-paced environments
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry standards
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is looking for a Utility Crew member to assist with game-day technical operations. This hands-on role involves setting up, supporting, and breaking down production equipment to ensure a smooth live event. It’s an excellent opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other essential production gear
- Must live within 65 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Must be a quick learner and adaptable to fast-paced environments
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is hiring a Utility Crew member to assist with game-day technical operations. This role involves setting up, supporting, and breaking down production equipment to ensure seamless event coverage. It’s a great opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other essential production gear
- Must live within 65 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Must be a quick learner and adaptable to fast-paced environments
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is looking for a Utility Crew member to assist with game-day technical operations. This hands-on role involves setting up, supporting, and breaking down production equipment to ensure a smooth live event. It’s an excellent opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other essential production gear
- Must live within 65 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Must be a quick learner and adaptable to fast-paced environments
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is looking for a Utility Crew member to assist with game-day technical operations. This hands-on role involves setting up, supporting, and breaking down production equipment to ensure a smooth live event. It’s an excellent opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other essential production gear
- Must live within 65 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Must be a quick learner and adaptable to fast-paced environments
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is hiring a Utility Crew member to assist with game-day technical operations. This role involves setting up, supporting, and breaking down production equipment to ensure seamless event coverage. It’s a great opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other essential production gear
- Must live within 65 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Must be a quick learner and adaptable to fast-paced environments
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is looking for a Utility Crew member to assist with game-day technical operations. This role involves setting up, supporting, and breaking down production equipment to ensure a smooth live event. It’s an excellent opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other essential production gear
- Must live within 65 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Must be a quick learner and adaptable to fast-paced environments
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is hiring a Utility Crew member to assist with game-day technical operations. This role involves setting up, supporting, and breaking down production equipment to ensure smooth event coverage. It’s a great opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other essential production gear
- Must live within 65 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Must be a quick learner and adaptable to fast-paced environments
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is hiring a Utility Crew member to support technical operations on game day. This role requires assisting with setup, breakdown, and handling production equipment to ensure a seamless live broadcast. It’s an excellent opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other production gear
- Must live within 100 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is hiring a Utility Crew member to support technical operations on game day. This role requires assisting with setup, breakdown, and handling production equipment to ensure a seamless live broadcast. It’s an excellent opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other production gear
- Must live within 100 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry standards
Utility Crew Job for Live Sports Broadcast
Job Description
A live sports broadcast production is seeking a Utility Crew member to assist with game-day technical operations. This hands-on role involves setting up, supporting, and breaking down production equipment to ensure a smooth live event. It’s an excellent opportunity for individuals with experience in TV production, live events, or technical operations.
Job Responsibilities
- Assist with setting up and dismantling broadcast equipment
- Hold and adjust light panels for optimal production quality
- Secure and transport camera carts safely during the event
- Load and unload medium-to-heavy equipment from broadcast trucks
- Lay out and retrieve broadcast cables
- Carry and transport camera batteries and other essential production gear
- Must live within 100 miles of the event location
- Must be at least 18 years old and legally authorized to work in the U.S.
- Basic understanding of TV production is required
- Ability to carry up to 50 lbs of equipment
- Comfortable standing and walking for extended periods
- Competitive pay based on experience and industry standards