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General Staff Jobs

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Production Types

Job Types


  • Staff / Crew

This full time position is ideal for a production designer looking for experience in agency life, digital marketing and advertising. We are located downtown in the beautiful city of Newburyport, MA.

Examples of things you may be doing:

  • Execute design and creative production across a variety of platforms
  • Prioritize your work and deliver creative on-time
  • Design and resize digital banner ads for Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • Design newsletters within email platforms like Klaviyo, Constant Contact, and Drip
  • Update landing pages in Shopify and WordPress
  • Perform quality assurance for websites, content, etc.
  • Design and resize paid and/or organic social assets
  • Print ad production
  • Image/Icon sourcing and resizing
  • Assist the creative team with a variety of clients and projects

You MUST have:

  • 1 or 2 years of academic design experience
  • Willing to work in the fast-paced digital marketing world
  • Ability to collaborate with multiple teams
  • Superb skills in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • Organization skills and self-starter
  • Excellent writing, attention to detail, and proofing skills
  • A desire to learn, grow, and explore new things and achieve goals
  • Must be hardworking, dedicated, collaborative, and have a strong sense of urgency

Would be NICE to have:

  • Experience with the following programs/platforms:
  • Shopify
  • WordPress
  • Shogun Page Builder
  • Email platforms (Klaviyo, Constant Contact, Drip etc.)
  • Agency experience
  • A sense of humor

What SUCCESS looks like:

  • You work well remotely
  • You are passionate about your work and your growth as a designer
  • You are efficient and meet deadlines
  • You have a love of learning new skills
  • You deliver quality work
  • You are easy to get along with and work well with others
  • You always give your best effort

Who you will work with:

  • Designers, art directors, project managers, account managers, and a few select animals.
  • You will receive mentorship to ensure your success at Carbon


Company Description

A Hot Set covers the news and stories across the global entertainment industry with an eye trained toward people of color. Through in-depth commentary, statistical insights, historical analysis, profiles, updates, and special coverage we keep you well-informed and on the pulse of ever-evolving role POC’s play in shaping the future of entertainment media.

Job Description


  • Write semi-regular business of entertainment features as it relates to people of color.
  • Write occasional reviews of POC-led, produced, and/or directed films.


The Film Journalist will cover film-related content for the site as it identifies with and relates to A Hot Set’s target demographic.

The candidate should possess an aptitude/interest in writing about the business side of the film industry.

The candidate should possess an aptitude/interest in writing about the history of cinema.

The candidate should possess an aptitude/interest in reviewing films from various genres.

The candidate also should possess critical and intellectual thinking skills to write socially relevant fact-based commentary.

Start Date: ASAP

Duration: 6 months

The internship is Virtual and unpaid. Yet, you will gain valuable writing experience.

Note: Metro Los Angeles and New York City residents strongly encouraged to apply, but location not required.

Additional Information

To learn more about A Hot Set view the media kit ( and to apply visit the page ( and forward cover letter, resume stating experience and three published clips.

A. N. Publishing is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). Qualified applicants are considered for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. If you need assistance or an accommodation during the application process because of a disability, it is available upon request. The company is pleased to provide such assistance, and no applicant will be penalized as a result of such a request.
Man Of The Hour Magazine


Das bewegst du mit dem Team – für unsere Kunden:

  • Du dienst als Kundenberater und zentrale Ansprechpartner, während des gesamten Produktionsprozesses
  • Du bist verantwortlich für die Planung und die Durchführung der Produktionsabläufe (Post-Produktion im Bereich Video & Audio). Dabei verantwortest du die Entwicklung und die Produktion vom ersten Briefing bis zum fertigen Film
  • In Zusammenarbeit mit deinem Produktionsteam erstellst du Präsentationen, Dispositionen und Reiseplanungen
  • Du trägst die operative Verantwortung für die Durchführung der Video Produktionen im Studio und on Location sowie für die Überarbeitung von Drehkonzepten, interne und externe Abnahme Rechte, Archiv- und Musik-Clearance
  • Du leitest das Produktionsteam und koordinierst externe Dienstleister und bist zuständig für jegliche Kommunikation mit Vermarkter, Kreativen und sonstigen Partnern
  • Du erstellst die Kalkulationen und Angebote und überwachst die Kosten von Anfang bis Ende und führst dabei alle notwendigen Überprüfungen und Recherchen durch
  • Du bist die Schnittstelle zwischen unseren Kunden und deinen Kollegen vom Dreh-, Kreation-, und Künstler-Teams und kommunizierst stets lösungsorientiert

Darüber freuen wir uns – dein Knowhow für unsere Zukunft:

  • Du verfügst über mindestens 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Producer im Bereich Werbefilmproduktion und Projektmanagement
  • Du bist ein Organisationstalent, präsentierst gerne und verfügst dabei über einen sicheren Auftritt und gutes Verhandlungsgeschick
  • Als Schnittstelle zwischen allen Projektbeteiligten handelst und kommunizierst du stets als analytisch und als methodischer Problemlöser
  • Du verfügst über ein breites Netzwerk aus Freelancern im Bereich Regie sowie Kamera-, Licht- und Tontechnik
  • Du bringst ein hohes Maß an selbstständigem Arbeiten, Eigeninitiative, Führungskompetenz und Zielorientierung mit
  • Du verfügst über Kenntnisse im Produktionsbereich sowie über filmtechnische Grundkenntnisse
  • Sicherer Umgang mit dem Microsoft Office und in der Erstellung von Kalkulationen und Produktionsabläufen
  • Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
  • Hohes Engagement, Flexibilität, Zuverlässigkeit und Belastbarkeit
  • Offen für Reisen und mehrtätige Produktionen im In- / Ausland
  • Du bist kommunikationsfreudig und offen und kommst mit jedem Typ Mensch – egal ob Kollege, Vorgesetzter oder Kunde gut klar
  • Du verfügst über einen Führerschein der Klasse B

Das bieten wir dir – ein inspirierendes Arbeitsumfeld:

Komme in die kreative Welt von [m]STUDIO und profitiere von der Kundenvielfalt des GroupM Netzwerks. Getrieben von Daten arbeitest du in interdisziplinären Teams an innovativen und herausfordernden Projekten.

Wir bieten dir State-of-the-art Knowhow, kompetente Kollegen und das Übliche: Flexible Arbeitszeiten, schöne Büros, Obst und Getränke

Wer wir sind:

Über [m]STUDIO

[m]STUDIO ist seit 2017 die Full-Service-Agentur der GroupM. Der Kern unserer Arbeit ist ein ganzheitlicher Kommunikationsansatz. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Media-Agenturen verwandeln wir maßgeschneiderte Mediapläne in spannenden Content und emotionale Markenerlebnisse. Um Marken und Konsumenten noch enger zusammenzuschweißen, verfolgen wir einen strategischen Planungsansatz: Dank unserer Position innerhalb der GroupM dienen uns Zahlen, Daten und Fakten aus Forschung und Media als Basis unserer Arbeit. So integrieren wir auf allen relevanten Plattformen und Märkten kreative, messbare und stets an den KPIs orientierte Kommunikationslösungen. Unsere Leistungen reichen vom umfassenden Projektmanagement über die strategische Planung und Beratung, Konzeption und Kreation bis hin zur finalen Realisierung und Steuerung von Kampagnen sowie kommunikativen Inhalten. Dabei treiben wir stets neue Technologien voran, etablieren innovative Werbemittel und bieten unseren Kunden kreative Lösungen, die multimedial einsetzbar sind. Das Herzstück unserer Agentur ist das 65-köpfige interdisziplinäre Team aus Strategen, Kreativen und Experten, die sich auf fünf verschiedene Units verteilen: Audience Activation Digital & TV; Client Solutions Content Creation & Production; Influencer Marketing & Social Media; Live Communication & Sponsoring.

Weitere Informationen unter



Als Video Producer & Editor bei YT bist du Teil eines wachsenden und motivierten Kreativteams. Du bist an der Planung und Erstellung unserer globalen Videoprojekte beteiligt. Neben der Arbeit an einer Vielzahl von spannenden Projekten bist du vor allem für das Tagesgeschäft in unserem hauseigenen Foto- & Videostudio verantwortlich. Du wirst täglich mit internationalen Kollegen kommunizieren und deine Arbeit wird zur Erreichung unserer ehrgeizigen Wachstumsziele und Produktplatzierungen beitragen. Bei YT setzen wir auf direkte Kommunikation mit flachen Hierarchien. In deiner Rolle als Videoproduzent wirst du eng mit unserem Kreativ-, Marketing- und Entwicklungsteam zusammenarbeiten, um erstklassige Kampagnen zu erstellen.


  • Planung und Erstellung von “How-To”, Statement- und Produktvideos in unserem hauseigenen Studio
  • Vorbereiten, Planen und Filmen von Riding Edits
  • Schnitt, Grading, Sounddesign und Motion Graphics zur Fertigstellung der Projekte
  • Unterstützung der Kreativ- und Projektmanagementprozesse
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Creator-Team


  • Starke Affinität zum Mountainbiken / Radfahren
  • Abgeschlossenes Studium oder eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Mediengestalter/in für audiovisuelle Medien
  • Mindestens 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Video-Creator & Editor
  • Ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeiten
  • Du denkst über den Tellerrand hinaus und bringst eigene Ideen ein
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse verschiedener Aufnahmetechniken und Lichteinstellungen sowie der Kameratechnik
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse der Adobe Cloud, insbesondere von Premiere Pro, After Effects und Photoshop
  • Hohe Bereitschaft zu reisen
  • Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, sowohl schriftlich als auch mündlich
  • Strukturierte und teamorientierte Arbeitsweise
  • Du hast eine positive Einstellung mit flexiblem Arbeitsstil und bist motiviert


  • Flache Hierarchien und eine Duz-Kultur auf allen Ebenen
  • Trainingsmöglichkeiten im firmeneigenen Gym
  • Arbeitsalltag in einem coolen Team, mit einer kostenlosen Kaffee-Flatrate
  • After-Work Rides mit deiner YT-Family und legendäre Firmenfeste
  • Mit der fränkischen Schweiz eine der schönsten Bike-Regionen, direkt vor der Tür


YT Industries wurde 2008 von Markus Flossmann gegründet, um jungen Talenten den Zugang zu wettkampftauglichen Dirt Jump Bikes zu ermöglichen. YT steht für Young Talent und bringt die Lebenseinstellung des Gründers zum Ausdruck: Egal wie alt man ist, es ist nie zu spät ein verborgenes Talent oder eine Leidenschaft in sich zu entdecken und etwas Neues auszuprobieren.


Bis heute fokussiert sich YT auf den Mountainbike Bereich und bietet mittlerweile eine breite Produktpalette von Downhill über Enduro bis hin zu Trail Bikes ausschließlich im Direktvertrieb an. YT Bikes zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Produktqualität sowie einem außergewöhnlich guten Preis/Leistungsverhältnis aus. Ob Red Bull Rampage, Downhill Weltmeisterschaften oder Weltcups, YT Bikes haben schon die härtesten Events dominiert und die weltbesten Athleten zum Titel geführt.

91353 Hausen

Human Resources
Mail: jobs(at)

Wir freuen uns auf deine aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen per Mail unter der Angabe deines frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins und deiner Gehaltsvorstellung an jobs(at)

YT Industries GmbH

Meet your family’s new favorite PJs. Unbelievable softness. Adorable prints. Effortless functionality. At Little Sleepies, we make buttery soft bamboo viscose sleepwear that your whole family will love. Created by a mom, our PJs are thoughtfully designed for long-lasting comfort and maximum cuteness!

We are currently seeking an Influencer Marketing Coordinator to join our fast-growing team. Reporting to the Director of Marketing and working in tandem with the Social Media Manager, this role will be responsible for sourcing and building relationships with influencers and content creators, managing our databases, and reporting on the success of different campaigns and initiatives. Duties will include working in a fast-paced, creative environment alongside the entire marketing team including Social Media, eCommerce, Retention, and Paid Marketing.

Our team is fully remote, which gives the candidate significant residential location flexibility.


  • Manage relationships with social media influencers, celebrities & content creators
  • Collaborate cross-functionally with the marketing team to ensure influencer marketing supports overall brand goals
  • Responsible for upkeep & management of influencer/creator database
  • Own all aspects of product seeding program including the collection of addresses/sizes, fulfillment of product orders, and follow up
  • Regularly communicate with collaborators in order to foster strong relationships with the brand and a strong understanding of product knowledge
  • Create and manage influencer and affiliate promo codes
  • Consistently source and vet new talent across multiple platforms including Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.
  • Manage inbound collaboration and partnership requests across multiple platforms
  • Proactively stay up to date with digital and social trends, monitoring competitors and digital influencer activity across social platforms
  • Assist in the management of influencer and content creator campaigns using our influencer marketing platform
  • Monitor social media coverage and create monthly and weekly reports that track influencer posts and show campaign results and KPIs


  • 1-3 years of influencer marketing, social media, or PR experience
  • Strong knowledge of all social media platforms including Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.
  • Experience with Slack, Asana, Google Suite preferred
  • Hyper-organized, detail-oriented, excellent communicator
  • Keen aesthetic sense and eye for quality content
  • Creative, resourceful, and willing to bring new ideas for influencer campaigns and partnerships to the table


  • Remote work / flexible schedule
  • Health, dental, vision, disability & life insurance
  • 401k with profit sharing
  • Employee discount

This is a permanently remote, location agnostic position.

Little Sleepies is an equal opportunity employer and we value diversity. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.

Start Date: ASAP
Little Sleepies


About the role:
Our Senior Account Executive, Influencer Marketing, is responsible for driving revenue for Division-D’s rapidly growing Influencer Marketing division by prospecting, identifying, and onboarding new clients, as well as servicing existing advertiser and agency relationships. The ideal candidate will have experience in both Influencer Marketing and digital media sales, as well as the ability to drive conversations from lead to client, and assist in building custom Influencer Marketing campaigns to meet client goals.

Core responsibilities:
•Identify quality prospects, reach out to potential clients, and work through sales cycles to close new business accounts.
•Build strong relationships with agencies and advertisers to ensure the long-term success of both new and existing campaigns.
•Conduct industry research to identify agencies and advertisers currently spending in the space.
•Stay updated on influencer marketing industry trends to advise clients on new campaign ideas.
•Work with the internal Account Management team to build custom influencer marketing plans and exceed client performance expectations.
•Travel to meet with prospects and clients as needed.

• Bachelor’s Degree – Journalism, Communications, or Business preferred
• 4-5+ years of digital media sales/influencer marketing experience
• Strong verbal and written Communication Skills
• Experience using Microsoft Office suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.)
• Ability to work independently



Riot Games is now a multi-game studio and next on the list…becoming THE entertainment company of the 21st century. As a result, our Global Marketing Creative team was born to better support all of our Marketing Creative needs.

As a Content Producer, Global Marketing Creative, you will report to the Manager, Content Production. You will help transform Global Marketing’s strategic goals into creative campaigns that surprise and delight our players. Partnering internally and externally across multiple craft disciplines including Production, Art, Video, Writing, Creative Direction, Brand, Comms and Operations you will ensure that our creative production process is smooth. Your awareness and transparent communications give you a grasp on the 10,000 ft view of our campaign needs, advocating for their needs and ensuring they are met.


  • Partner with Campaign Leads and Creatives across multiple disciplines from brief through localization to ensure marketing creative content is delivered on time, on budget and at quality.
  • Track and communicate budget and campaign milestone progress and advocate for resource needs on multiple concurrent campaigns.
  • Maintain Product intimacy by participating in rituals with Product Development teams and communicate impact of changes to creative teams.
  • Reduce project risks throughout the production process, escalating issues to campaign, marketing and creative leadership.

Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Comprehensive knowledge of all facets of Campaign or Video Production through 4+ years of previous Production and/or Project Management experience delivering marketing campaigns from planning through execution.
  • Experience managing a high volume of creative marketing assets
  • Contract Negotiation and Vendor Management experience with Creative Agencies or Art, Video or Digital Production
  • Level-headed approach to change management, conflict resolution and patience through the fluctuating creative development process.

Desired Qualifications

  • PC, Console, and Mobile games marketing experience
  • Expertise with Project Management tools (ie. Airtable, Trello) and DAMs (ie. Iconik) for database management, tracking, and archiving.
  • UA/ASO specific project management experience

Relationship To Games

For this role, you’ll find success through craft expertise, a collaborative spirit, and decision-making that prioritizes the delight of players. We will be looking at your past studies, experience, and your personal relationship with games. If you embody player empathy and care about the experiences of players, this could be the role for you!

Our Perks

Riot has a focus on work/life balance, shown by our open paid time off policy, in addition to other perks such as flexible work schedules. We offer medical, dental, and life insurance, parental leave for you, your spouse/domestic partner and children, and a 401k with company match. Check out our benefits pages for more information.

Riot Games fosters a player and workplace experience that values teamwork embodied by the Summoner’s Code and Community Code. Our culture embraces differences as a strength, and our values are the guiding principles for how we approach work. We are committed to putting diversity and inclusion (D&I) at the center of everything we do, and promoting a fair and collaborative culture where Rioters treat one another with dignity and respect. We encourage you to read more about our value of thriving together and our ongoing work to build the most inclusive company in Gaming.

It’s our policy to provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and members of Riot Games, Inc. Riot Games makes reasonable accommodations for handicapped and disabled Rioters and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, handicap, veteran status, marital status, criminal history, or any other category protected by applicable federal and state law, including the City of Los Angeles’ Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance relating to an applicant’s criminal history.
Riot Games



Wasserman is a full-service marketing agency, that exists to transform our client’s brands, businesses, and careers

Our clients, talent and properties are constantly faced with ever-changing business challenges, so they look to us for fresh solutions. In today’s dynamic landscape amidst rapidly evolving consumer behavior we believe in the relentless and constant pursuit of better. This is how we keep ourselves and our clients at the forefront.

We proudly represent thousands of brands, properties, athletes, broadcasters, coaches and social media influencers around the world – supporting their careers and business on a global scale.


Wasserman is looking for a Manager with experience and passion for talent, partnership and social marketing within Entertainment to join the team.

This is a unique opportunity to be the day-to-day contact for a major luxury automotive client’s fast evolving brand ambassador programme, consisting of high-profile individuals from the world of entertainment, automotive, design and sport. The role would initially involve making connections with these individuals and their agents and building a close rapport to support activations across above the line, social, digital and experiential campaigns.

Through the year the role would consist of liaising with all departments of the client’s business to book these individuals on brand campaigns, talent agent liaison, managing their contracted vehicle arrangements, event attendance, briefing and ensuring that talent stick to specific campaign briefs, social media management and post campaign evaluation. There will then be weekly client reporting to ensure the utilisation and effectiveness of brand’s core talent.

Reporting to a Client Director, this person will work with teams from across the division to provide solutions and drive results for our clients. The ideal candidate will have strong account and project management skills. Talent, influencer and social campaign management experience is a key determinant for success in this role.

A mix of intellectual, desk-based work, with sleeves rolled up attitude will be a winning combination. You will need to demonstrate an experience of strong work output, particularly in client-facing situations e.g. day to day account management, and internal/external stakeholder communications.

Please note this role is not within our Talent division or working with our athletes, this is Marketing role within our Experiential and Partnership team.

Key Roles & Responsibilities

Project Management

  • Day-to-day lead on talent programme for key Wasserman client, driving measurable and sustainable results.
  • Takes lead on proactive client communications, in particular status meetings, partner management, project management, and pro-active value-add advisory.
  • Assists with management of day-to-day contractual elements. Devise talent campaign strategies.
  • Regularly research and source partners/influencers and maintain a database of online and offline contacts.
  • Develop KPIs and monitor success.
  • Highlight, report and present quarterly talent usage, social media statistics and tracking verses KPIs.
  • Working within an Inter-Agency team, driving the talent agenda to ensure our KPIs and client deliverables are met within our timeframe
  • Research and present partnership proposals internally to the team
  • Understanding of the social media landscape and be engaged with the right talent for the brand through social media channels
  • Develop talent relationships for event activations, as well as marketing and public relations campaigns.

Strategic Advisory

  • Lead development of all strategic deliverables (presentations, memos, etc.) to advise clients and partners on recommendations.
  • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to apply measurement framework, track key metrics, analyse results and present findings to the client.
  • Uses forward thinking initiative to identify the next best strategic opportunities and continue to deliver top results to the client.

Relationship Management

  • Manages client and partner relationships to ensure the client is fully leveraging all benefits and assets.
  • Develop and cultivate relationships with clients, partners, as well as agency teams and third parties.

New Business / Projects

  • Builds relationships with clients to encourage new talent options to strengthen portfolio
  • Assists with new business pitches as arise throughout the year, including contribution to international pitches / RFPs where best practice resides locally.
  • Quickly understands Wasserman’s capabilities and services, and effectively communicates all offerings to clients and prospects.


  • Minimum of a bachelor’s degree
  • Experience of managing influeners social media campaigns
  • 4+ years’ relevant experience with minimum 3 years of direct social / talent / partnership agency and/or client side.
  • Proven experience in account and project management
  • Sleeves rolled up attitude, with strong interpersonal skills that can quickly shift to presentation mode.
  • High-level proficiency with Microsoft Office applications; advanced skills in PowerPoint and Excel for deck development and budget management.
  • Possess exceptional communication skills, both orally and in writing.
  • Confidence in managing Top tier talent and their agents
  • High level of initiative and works well independently and in a team environment.
  • Strong attention to detail and highly organized.
  • Well-developed analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to think creatively when planning the right strategy, taking into account key client needs and budget parameters.
  • Effective contract negotiation skills and familiarity with contractual language.
  • Must be able to multi-task and be flexible enough to manage various internal and external stakeholders.


Job Description

Title: Junior Digital Producer, Performance Marketing

Office: Los Angeles

Reports to: Executive Digital Producer, Performance Marketing

TBWAMedia Arts Lab (or MAL as you’ll hear us called) is the bespoke global advertising agency dedicated solely to Apple. Our mission is to create smart, simple and iconic work that transforms business and makes culture for the world’s best brand.

We believe that what MAL creates belongs to everyone; and everyone belongs at MAL. We think creativity lives in open, safe and brave spaces, where diverse perspectives can come together, free of prejudice and discrimination. We strive to be a partnership of equals. Everyone has a role to play here, and we invite you to bring your fully authentic and crazy selves to this space. Together, we’ll do the best work we’ve ever done.

We’re headquartered in Los Angeles, California, with 5 further international hubs and over 700 people making great work for Apple in 26 markets around the globe. We’d love to meet you!

The Junior Digital Producer, Performance Marketing – will be in charge of projects involving the creation of digital and social media assets. Your duties will include overseeing complex production projects involving multiple markets, languages and specifications. As part of this, you will be providing cost estimates, and ensuring all content meets requirements and specifications. To succeed in this role, the ideal candidate will possess a methodical mindset with excellent communication and presentation skills as well as a collaborative and proactive approach. You will also demonstrate the ability to coordinate with clients, partners and the rest of our organization at a variety of levels and across functions and oversee client expectations to ensure successful campaigns.

The work:

  • Manage any responsibilities, assigned by the Lead Producer and Executive Producer to take on any responsibilities deemed fit per experience level. Responsible for training / mentoring associate producers. Must be willing/able to handle associate duties.
  • Assist producers with schedules, vendor bidding, estimate creation and help manage creative teams across all relevant workstreams.
  • Manage the production and quality control of performance assets including display advertising, social media marketing, animation/video deliverables and landing page production.
  • Build relationships with producers, creatives, vendors, account, business affairs and finance teams.
  • Assist lead producer in completing all final archiving and closing out all quarterly jobs.
  • Coordinate with production and technical vendors as well as internal teams to guarantee the workflow, documentation, security and design standards are being upheld.
  • Identify any issues and resolve them in a timely manner.
  • Direct a team of developers and or designers to ensure that the final product is consistent with the creative vision and maximal performance.
  • Provide cost control and monitor budgets.
  • Ensure all content is on brand and meets client’s requirements.

Who will thrive in this role:

  • Some proven experience in the Digital Production space.
  • Strong knowledge of graphic design – web design and video editing knowledge, a plus.
  • Excellent attention to detail with the ability to work well under pressure.
  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Must be a proven project manager who can handle multiple projects at once, meet deliverables, create budgets and manage resources
  • Knowledge of project management tools: JIRA.
  • Familiarity of IAB Standards, rich media standards, online advertising protocols and strategies, web development, and/or app development

TBWAMedia Arts Lab


Built around our mission, we started Athletic Greens more than a decade ago as a way to bring comprehensive and convenient daily nutrition to just about everybody. Originators of the Essentialist Nutrition movement, our philosophy is to focus on a very small number of products based on what the latest science indicates is essential to human health.

AG1 is made from the highest quality ingredients, in accordance with the strictest standards and obsessively improved based on the latest science. 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving. Optimized for athletes, life-letes, and everyone in between. Vegan, Paleo, and Keto-friendly. One scoop or travel packet, 8 ounces of water. Every day. That’s it.

Our mission is to empower people to take ownership of their health.


We are looking for a self-motivated Influencer Marketing Director who is passionate about helping to build a brand through the creation of an innovative content strategy that educates, empowers and inspires consumers while driving broader cultural engagement. This role is equal parts storytelling and community building – the ideal candidate will have exceptional communication, organizational, and collaborative skills.


  • Build and execute the strategy for our Rev Share and Ambassador Programs
  • Lead, develop, and continue to build a team of influencer managers
  • Work closely with the Director of Influencer Marketing—Paid Partners and the Sr. Director, Influencer Marketing to create growth strategy and KPIs that complement both the paid and unpaid sides of our business
  • Oversee the start to finish ecosystem of a our rev share and unpaid partnerships: outreach, negotiation, onboarding, performance, and continued relationships
  • Manage always-on strategy and performance to drive customer acquisition – Own cross-functional communication across paid media team, brand team, creative team, performance team, etc. to ensure an effective sales channel
  • Own our influencer management platform partnership
  • Support Senior Director in growth projects, goals, and new customer acquisition targets


  • 6-8years of Influencer Marketing experience with a proven track record of working cross-functionally to hit team goals and KPIs.
  • Experience building and scaling in-house influencer programs—unpaid ambassadors and/or rev share models
  • Strong collaborative, and cross-functional mindset
  • Highly organized, creative problem solver who always has a “can do” attitude
  • A motivated and curious self-starter who is comfortable with autonomy, brings big ideas to the table, and operates with a sense of urgency.
  • Strong attention to detail and a proven ability to manage multiple direct reports and work streams at once.
  • Excellent project management skills and ability to manage multiple campaigns and tasks at once.
  • A full life outside of work with personal passions and hobbies!


  • A 100% remote working environment, which has been implemented from day one.
  • An immensely strong company culture that is enforced through the hiring process ensures values alignment and a highly collaborative team.
  • 90% premium coverage for top medical, dental and vision plans.
  • Employer paid short-term disability and life insurance.
  • A mission-driven approach to each and everything that we do, with an overall goal to significantly improve our customer’s health and wellness.
  • Paid maternity and paternity leave to allow you to spend time with your new family.
  • A monthly fitness class credit to support you on your health and fitness journey.
  • Annual company-wide retreats and quarterly department-wide meet-ups (COVID permitting).
  • A 401k plan with company-matching because life is an opportunity and we care about your future.
  • Paid holidays and an unlimited vacation policy to ensure you have a healthy work-life balance.
  • The opportunity to work with passionate, high-growth, business-minded colleagues.
  • A brand new company laptop and a generous home-office budget so you can work your best.
  • Access to Athletic Greens product and swag items.

Athletic Greens is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to inspiring fulfilling lives, starting with a focus on health and we believe this starts in the workplace. We do this by providing employees with a safe and welcoming work environment free of discrimination and harassment. We strive to create a diverse & inclusive environment where all team members can thrive, feel a sense of belonging, and make a difference in the world together. We do not discriminate based on age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, pregnancy, veteran status, disability, or any other status protected by law. We are an equal opportunity employer.
Athletic Greens

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