

Production Type:


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Casting Call: International Film Shoot (Delhi/NCR Only)

Job Description: We are seeking an actress to portray a mother in an international film shoot. The role is for a woman in her 50s, embodying a rural or small-town traditional character, who is proud of her two sons. The shoot will take place on one day between August 7th and 14th, with a budget of 10,000 INR for the day, plus an additional rehearsal.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Perform in a close-up scene where the mother bids farewell to her son who is leaving to find work abroad.

  • Execute the given improv scene with minimal to zero Hindi dialogues, focusing on expressions.

  • Collaborate with the director and production team to deliver the required emotional depth for the scene.

  • Attend a rehearsal session prior to the shoot day.


  • Female actor, appearing in her 50s.

  • Must be based in Delhi/NCR.

  • Ability to convey emotions through facial expressions with minimal dialogue.

  • Traditional look fitting a rural or small-town character.

  • Applicants for the brother's role must provide a scan of their license.


  • Budget: 10,000 INR for a one-day shoot.

  • Additional payment for the rehearsal session.

  • Meals and refreshments provided on set.

Company Details
Tess Joseph Casting

10 Jobs