
Florida, United States

Production Type:


Job Type:


Required Skill:

Acting, Improvisation

Casting Call for DoorDash Commercial

Job Description: We are casting for a DoorDash commercial to be filmed in Miami. We are looking for a man aged 21-65 of any ethnicity who possesses strong improv skills and extensive football knowledge. The role involves portraying a nerdy intellectual sports reporter in a humorous setting.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Portray a sports reporter attempting to interview a character similar to Bill Belichick.
  • Improvise 90% of the dialogue, reacting naturally to the character's reluctance to answer questions.
  • Develop and deliver spontaneous questions about football and personal life.
  • Collaborate with the director and other cast members to create engaging and humorous interactions.


  • Male, aged 21-65, any ethnicity.
  • Must have strong improvisational skills.
  • Must possess solid knowledge of football.
  • Ability to portray a nerdy, intellectual sports reporter.
  • Comfortable working in a 10-hour session.

Compensation Details:

  • Session Rate: $800 for a 10-hour session.
  • Buyout Fee: $1600.

Company Details
Miami Talent Casting
United States

10 Jobs