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HomeBalletboyz Casting Search for Young Dancers

Balletboyz Casting Search for Young Dancers

Young Dancer for Feature Film

A new feature film is seeking a talented young dancer for an exciting role in an upcoming UK production. This opportunity is open to unrepresented dancers between the ages of 7 and 10 based in London. No professional experience is required—what matters most is raw performance energy and a natural ability for pop-locking and robotic movement styles. This is a fantastic entry-level opportunity for young performers ready to shine on screen.

Job Responsibilities

  • Perform a short, dynamic dance showcasing pop-locking or robotic styles
  • Deliver a confident on-camera presence in a self-taped audition
  • Follow production and casting instructions for remote submission


  • Must be aged between 7 and 10 years old
  • Must be based in London and unrepresented
  • Must be comfortable on camera and able to follow simple direction
  • Submit a 2–3 minute self-tape performance


  • Paid opportunity (details provided upon selection)

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Young Dancer for Feature Film

A new feature film is seeking a talented young dancer for an exciting role in an upcoming UK production. This opportunity is open to unrepresented dancers between the ages of 7 and 10 based in London. No professional experience is required—what matters most is raw performance energy and a natural ability for pop-locking and robotic movement styles. This is a fantastic entry-level opportunity for young performers ready to shine on screen.

Job Responsibilities

  • Perform a short, dynamic dance showcasing pop-locking or robotic styles
  • Deliver a confident on-camera presence in a self-taped audition
  • Follow production and casting instructions for remote submission


  • Must be aged between 7 and 10 years old
  • Must be based in London and unrepresented
  • Must be comfortable on camera and able to follow simple direction
  • Submit a 2–3 minute self-tape performance


  • Paid opportunity (details provided upon selection)

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