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San Francisco Casting Calls & Acting Auditions

Find the latest San Francisco Casting Calls on Project Casting.

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  • Califórnia
  • Californie
  • CA
  • California
Must be registered with Central Casting

Must pass COVID test to work. Even if you test negative, you are not confirmed for work unless we send you details confirming shoot day.

Hayley is taking submissions for a show that will Covid Test tomorrow (7/28) and work Thursday (7/29) in LA area.

Looking for men and women who match the following stats and can work as a STAND-IN. Let us know if you have stand in experience!

  • Male to portray ASIAN, 40 yrs, 5’10
  • Female with red hair to portray CAUCASIAN, 60-70 yrs, 5’5
NOTE: As a condition of working on set, all talent are required to get Covid-19 test at a production sanctioned testing facility prior to any work date.
Must be okay with any form test (nasal swabs, etc). Additional testing may also be done on workdays. While at the test facility and on set, Production requires that a face mask that covers your nose and mouth be worn.


Casting for High Society Males and females to fit this week and work Next Monday and Tuesday as well as various TBD Dates! Key Plot Point Spots! Casting for NON UNION Males and Females, 35-60 Years Of Age, Thin To Average Build, and should have Natural Colored hair for the 1920’s! 

**MAJOR HBO SERIES** Casting for a Heavily Featured African Amerian or Asian Female to work various dates including 8/2 and 8/3 with a fitting this week!
Casting for an African American/Asian Female, 25-45 Years Of Age, Natural Hair Color, and Comfortable with a BOB or Period Haircut for the 1920’s!
Must be registered with Central Casting!!!!! Must pass COVID test to work. Even if you test negative, you are not confirmed for work unless we send you details confirming shoot day.
Erica is taking submissions for a TV show that is set in the 1970s.
Seeking people who can portray men with long hair or have non-modern haircuts (re: shaggy, shoulder length, chin length, etc.).
  • – Height between 5’9” – 6’0”
  • – Chest no bigger than 44
  • – Looking for all ethnicities
NOTE: As a condition of working on set, all talent are required to get COVID-19 test at a production sanctioned testing facility prior to any work date.
Must be okay with any form test (nasal swabs, etc). Additional testing may also be done on workdays. While at the test facility and on set, Production requires that a face mask that covers your nose and mouth be worn.
CASTING NOTICE: Various principal roles for a Fentanyl Abuse PSA filming in Woodland Hills Thurs 8/5. Looking for nonunion bilingual actors that speak both English and Spanish. See the breakdown below to submit. Please include your name, height, and phone number.
  • Doctor #1: Male, early 40s, bilingual English/Spanish, pays $500/8. 
  • Doctor #2: Female, 40s, African American, bilingual English/Spanish. Pays $500/8. 
  • YOUNG WOMAN: 18-24, hispanic, bilingual English/Spanish. Pays $500/8. 
  • WOMAN: 30s, white, Asian, or Mixed Race, bilingual English/Spanish. Pays $500/8. 

MAJOR HBO SERIES Is casting for Males 30-55, Rugged types, to play “REVOLUTIONARIES” on August 10th!
  • Fitting Dates:TBD
  • Location: Santa Clarita, CA
  • Rate: $182/8 SAG, $120/8 NU
  • Fitting Rate: 1/4 of Daily Rate
  • COVID Comp: $100 SAG, $30 NU
MAJOR HBO SERIES Is casting for Males and Females, 18-34, Hipster Types, 1920’s Style. Ladies Must have bob style or short hair. Working date is August 5th with a Covid test August 4th!
Fitting Dates: TBD
Location: Santa Clarita, CA
Rate: $182/8 SAG, $120/8 NU
Fitting Rate: 1/4 of daily rate
COVID Comp: $100 SAG, $30 NU
CASTING NOTICE: We are looking for a SAG, photo-double/stand in for this fabulous actor. Los Angeles locals only. Shoots August 5th and 6th with a Covid test 1 or 2 days prior to the 5th!
  • Height:6’1
  • Weight 210lbs
MAJOR HBO SERIES Is casting for Females, 18-34, to play “Molls/Flapper girls”. Must have bob style or short hair!! 1920s style. Working date is August 2nd and 3rd!
Fitting Dates: This upcoming Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (July 26th-28th) with a Covid test prior to your fitting date!
Location: Santa Clarita, CA
Rate: $120/8 NU
Fitting Rate: 1/4 of daily rate
COVID Comp: $30 NU

MAJOR HBO SERIES Is casting for Latina Females, 18-34, 5’3-5’6 to play “1920’s Chorus Girls”. Must have bob style or short hair! Working date is August 2nd and 3rd!

  • Fitting Dates: This upcoming Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (July 26th-28th) with a Covid test prior to your fitting date!
  • Location: Santa Clarita, CA
  • Rate: $120/8 NU
  • Fitting Rate: 1/4 of daily rate
  • COVID Comp: $30 NU
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