Amidst the ongoing transformation of the DC Universe under the stewardship of new co-heads James Gunn and Peter Safran, fans of the iconic character...
Nathan Fillion Joins James Gunn's 'Superman: Legacy' as Green Lantern.
Exciting news for superhero film enthusiasts Nathan Fillion has officially been cast as Guy Gardner,...
David Corenswet and Rachel Brosnahan have been cast as Clark Kent and Lois Lane, respectively, in James Gunn's highly anticipated film, "Superman: Legacy."
The duo...
James Gunn Criticizes Superhero Movies for Lazy Storytelling and Generic Third Acts
In a recent interview on the "Inside of You" podcast, James Gunn expressed...
The acclaimed director James Gunn is taking the helm of Superman: Legacy, a film sure to captivate viewers everywhere.
Recently, James Gunn shared the exciting...