Good Pay Casting Calls & Acting Auditions
Find the latest Good Pay Casting Calls on Project Casting.
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Now Casting: American Idol
From idol legends like Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Hudson, Adam Lambert to recent idol successes like Gabby Barrett, ScaryPoolParty, and our latest chart-topping winner Chayce Beckham, American Idol is the only show that continues to produce superstar artists and feature original music!
If you think you can follow in their footsteps, apply now!
Must be at least 15 years old. Other eligibility requirements apply. Visit for details.
Casting Latino Males
Paid Shoot
- Size XL or close to involved in lowrider culture in Los Angeles
We’re looking for people with an outgoing personality to actively promote brands & distribute flyers in multiple different cities across Australia.
List of cities:
– Sydney
– Melbourne
– Brisbane
– Perth
– Adelaide
– Wollongong
– Geelong
– Newcastle
– No experience required
– Make your own schedule
– Work anytime during the day
– 7 days per week
– Smartphone with internet data required
1. Visit our website to sign up
2. Select an onboarding time to chat with the City Manager
- 20-30’s
- 5’5 – 5’8
- SIZE 0-SIZE 8 (to model the baseball uniforms)
- DATE: 7/14
- RATE: 200/12
- 40’s-60
- would be needed sporadically a few times over July 12th – late October.
- RATE: 200/12
- 18-25 to look younger* (no minors for this)
- would be needed sporadically a few times over July 12th – late October.
- RATE: 200/12
- 20- 30 YEARS OLD
- would be needed sporadically a few times over July 12th – late October.
- RATE: 200/12
Filming Dates are 10/16-11/7, MUST BE AVAILABLE WITH NO CONFLICTS
Xii3 Productions is seeking Black Male & Female Actors, ages 23-30, and willing to film in the Pennsylvania area for the following roles:
- Justin – (mid-20’s, blk m) highly intelligent under performing stoner. Still living with his grandmother with aspirations of one day fulfilling his potential.
- Traci – (mid 20’s, blk f) outgoing, fun loving aspiring cook
- Micah- (mid 20’s, blk m) smart, confident, humble leader of the group.
- Lynette – (mid 20’s, blk f) dance instructor with a big heart
- Saadir- (mid 20’s, blk m) alpha male ex-con desperately trying to remain on the straight and narrow. At times sarcastic and jealous.
- Keshia – (mid 20’s, blk f) sassy, well kept wife of a hustler that is always ready to ride.
- Adina – (mid 20’s, blk f) Stressed and desperate accountant that prioritizes family above everything.
- Tony – (mid 20’s, blk f) very sarcastic, loud mouth truck driver that speaks her mind and happens to be gay
SEEKING Santa Cruz Casting Assistant
Vicky Boone Casting is looking for an experienced casting assistant to work in Santa Cruz, CA during the summer of 2021.
Ideal candidates hav experience in street casting and open calls, might be multilingual, and are familiar with the Santa Cruz area. Experience in documentary filmmaking/producing, and basic camera and editing skills are a plus. Must have a valid driver’s license. This is for a project from an academy award-winning team.
Los Angeles Casting
Music Video for Major R&B/Soul Artist
Looking for exotic dancers/strippers
- Female
- 20-30
- Any Ethnicity
- Pretty Face
- Comfortable dancing on camera
- Rate: $700 for 8 hours
Looking for models (Playing Role of Dancers)
- Female
- 20-30
- Any Ethnicity
- Exotic
- Role: Dancers in Dressing Room
- Must be comfortable in lingerie
- Need one comfortable smoking
- Rate: $300 for 10 hours
Looking for Males
- Models
- 20-40
- African American / Latino / Caucasian
- Fit
- Assigned Roles
- Rate: $200 for 10 hours
Looking for Hood Dudes
- Male
- 20-30
- African American
- Latino
- Rate: $200 for 10 hours
Shoot Saturday June 26th
ATLANTA casting call for major music video!
Date: June 22nd
Call time 3:30-9:30 pm
- Casting 2 female models who know how to work the camera!
- Ages 18-28 years old
- Compensated $200
Title: little trumpet
Shooting Dates: Late July (exact dates TBD)
Location: New Orleans
Contact: [email protected]
SYNOPSIS: little trumpet follows a day in the life of 9-year-old Javon as he navigates loss, isolation, and childhood innocence in the fast-moving city of New Orleans amidst its traditions of violence and survival.
JEANETTE – Female, 35-55
Ethnicity: Black. New Orleans/Louisiana accent required.
Jeanette is Javon’s depressed, homebody single mother – a woman who’s let herself go. Jeanette spends her days chain-smoking and drinking in front of the TV, anxious and agitated. She’s strict and controlling of her sons.
DAMON – Male, 16-22
Ethnicity: Black. New Orleans/Louisiana accent required.
Damon’s a hustler – an independent, rebellious teenager living a double life. He thinks he’s invincible – but he’s not. He’s his younger brother Javon’s whole world, a pseudo father figure for Javon.