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Baton Rouge Casting Calls & Acting Auditions

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  • Louisiana
Disney’s Secrets of Sulphur Springs Casting Call
RATE: $100 per COVID test (3 times) + $125/12 Filming day + $31.25/2 Fitting

Sulphur Springs (Disney+ show – 2nd season) – Filming in St. Bernard, LA *** Thursday, July 15th

Please read thoroughly and submit only if you are available and okay with production’s requirements.

COVID TESTING (mid nasal PCR test): Must pass at least 1 COVID test(s) to work. Even if you test negative, you are not confirmed for work unless we send you details confirming shoot day.

Testing is in Metairie from 8 AM – 12 PM. In order to be eligible to work, you must Monday, July 12th AND Wednesday, July 14th. In addition to the COVID test you must take 48 hours prior to your fitting.

Fitting: A fitting is required 1 day: Thursday, July 8th, Friday, July 9th, Monday, July 12th, Tuesday, July 13th OR Wednesday, July 14th. You will test 48 hours prior to your fitting.

  • 1930’s: Mary is seeking: People (18+, any portrayble ethnicity) to portray 1930’s Townsfolk. Within this group, we are looking to cast lawyers, secretaries, constables, etc. Men, you must be clean shaven and willing to get a hair cut, if needed! Due to vintage clothing restrictions, we can only book women size 8 and smaller and men size 36 waist and smaller. No modern haircuts, like fades, locs, modern hair colors or highlights, etc.
**As a condition of working on set, Background Actors (including children and parents) will be subject to the same testing requirements as cast & crew in advance of work dates.**
Production will also require that anyone over the age of 8 wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth to be worn while on set and while at the testing facility.

One More Fitting Day added for Enslaved workers who are available to film in Bush, LA.

Fitting Date: Tuesday 7/6


Filming in Bush, LA – July 12th – July 23rd (weekdays only)

Please read thoroughly and submit only if you are available and okay with production’s requirements.
FILMING RATE: $125/12 hours
COVID Test RATE: $100
FITTING Rate: $31.25/2 hours

GAS + TOLL Bump $40 (for those traveling from the South Shore)

You must take a mid-nasal PCR COVID test every 48 hours prior to fitting or filming.

Testing and Costume Fitting are both in New Orleans (Harahan).

Tuesday 7/6 will be a rapid test and a fitting following your test. Your fitting and test may take up to 4 hours. You must test again on Wednesday 7/7 AND Friday 7/9, to be eligible to start work on Monday, July 12th.
Costume Fitting Required in New Orleans, starting on June 16th.

This film will tell the horrific, yet heroic story of Whipped Peter, who escapes a Louisiana plantation. He was a pivotal figure in exposing the brutality of slavery and served as a soldier in the war.

  • ENSLAVED WORKERS: Seeking submissions for African American looking MEN (18+ years old) with a slim to average body build. Facial hair and willingness to grow out hair and facial hair is a PLUS! Filming will be exterior. You do not have to work every day but please let us know your availability over the course of those 10 days! Please no strong/modern cuts or or unnatural colored highlights. The makeup department may add facial hair in some cases.
As a condition of working on set, Background Actors (including children and parents) will be subject to the same testing requirements as cast & crew in advance of work dates. Production will also require that anyone over the age of 8 wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth to be worn while on set and while at the testing facility.*
Disney Sulphur Springs Season 2 Casting Call
RATE: $100 per COVID test (3 times) + $125/12 Filming day + $31.25/2 Fitting

*** Sulphur Springs (Disney+ show – 2nd season) – Filming in St. Bernard, LA *** Friday, July 16th ***
Please read thoroughly and submit only if you are available and okay with production’s requirements.

COVID TESTING (mid nasal PCR test): Must pass at least 1 COVID test(s) to work. Even if you test negative, you are not confirmed for work unless we send you details confirming shoot day.

Testing is in Metairie from 8 AM – 12 PM. In order to be eligible to work, you must test Monday, July 12th AND Wednesday, July 14th. In addition to the COVID test you must take 48 hours prior to your fitting.

Fitting: A fitting is required 1 day on Friday, July 9th. You will test 48 hours prior to your fitting.

  • 1960’s: Mary is seeking: Men who can portray Caucasian (18+, any portrayble ethnicity) to portray 1960’s Upscale Hotel Guests. Men, you must be clean shaven and willing to get a hair cut, if needed! Due to vintage clothing restrictions, we can only book men size 36 waist and smaller. No modern haircuts, like fades, locs, modern hair colors or highlights, etc.
**As a condition of working on set, Background Actors (including children and parents) will be subject to the same testing requirements as cast & crew in advance of work dates.**

Production will also require that anyone over the age of 8 wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth to be worn while on set and while at the testing facility.

Please read thoroughly and submit only if you are available for work date, location, and okay with production’s requirements.

Disney+ Trace Casting Call

Now Casting in Baton Rouge this August

Acting experience is not required!

We are looking for people of all ages and ethnicities to portray residents on the moon!!

Show Info: “Trace” After the death of his father, a boy growing up on a lunar mining colony takes a trip to explore a legendary crater, along with his four best firends, prior to being permanently relacted to another planet.

  • Pay Rates:
  • Filming Date: $121/10 (adults 18+) $119/8 (Minors under 18)
  • Covid Test: $50 per test per adult/child
  • Costume Fittings: $35 per person



Do you want to work on a Will Smith film but you are only available to work one day?

We are casting 18-20’s Soldiers who can portray Caucasian Males to work either Monday, July 12th or Tuesday, July 13th. We are also looking for those with flute or drumming experience to be picture picked by the director.


You do not have to be registered with Central Casting to work so share the flyer with your friends and family!

Filming in Bush, LA

Please read thoroughly and submit only if you are available and okay with production’s requirements.

FILMING RATE: $125/12 hours
COVID Test RATE: $100
FITTING Rate: $31.25/2 hours
GAS + TOLL Bump $40 (for those traveling from the South Shore)

You must take a mid-nasal PCR COVID test every 24-48 hours prior to fitting or filming. Testing will be in New Orleans.

Costume Fitting Required in New Orleans, Thursday 7/1 or Friday 7/2
This film will tell the horrific, yet heroic story of Whipped Peter, who escapes a Louisiana plantation. He was a pivotal figure in exposing the brutality of slavery and served as a soldier in the war.

SOLDIERS: Seeking submissions for Caucasian looking MEN (18+ years old) who fit within these sizes:
Shirt size: 15 (neck)-17 (neck)
Pant size: 32 (waist) – 38 (waist)
Jacket: 38 (chest) – 48 (chest)
Facial hair and willingness to grow out hair and facial hair is a PLUS! Filming will be exterior. You do not have to work every day but please let us know your availability over the course of those 10 days! Please no strong/modern cuts or or unnatural colored highlights. The makeup department may add facial hair in some cases.


Title: little trumpet

Shooting Dates: Late July (exact dates TBD) 

Location: New Orleans

Contact: [email protected] 

SYNOPSIS: little trumpet follows a day in the life of 9-year-old Javon as he navigates loss, isolation, and childhood innocence in the fast-moving city of New Orleans amidst its traditions of violence and survival.

JEANETTE – Female, 35-55 

Ethnicity: Black. New Orleans/Louisiana accent required. 

Jeanette is Javon’s depressed, homebody single mother – a woman who’s let herself go. Jeanette spends her days chain-smoking and drinking in front of the TV, anxious and agitated. She’s strict and controlling of her sons. 

DAMON – Male, 16-22

Ethnicity: Black. New Orleans/Louisiana accent required. 

Damon’s a hustler – an independent, rebellious teenager living a double life. He thinks he’s invincible – but he’s not. He’s his younger brother Javon’s whole world, a pseudo father figure for Javon. 



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