Entertainment NewsKaren Gillan's Uncomfortable Intimate Scene in 'Late Bloomers' Stems from Real Life...

Karen Gillan’s Uncomfortable Intimate Scene in ‘Late Bloomers’ Stems from Real Life Incident


Key Takeaways:
portrays an uncharacteristically character in ‘Late Bloomers'.
– One particular intimate in the movie was inspired by a real-life incident involving Gillan.
– The has fondly shared her experience of the awkward but liberating scene.

Actress Karen Gillan is known for her diverse portfolio of , from horror flicks to sci-fi adventures. However, her role as the uncertain and awkward Louise in the 2023 film ‘Late Bloomers' may be her most unconventional yet. This piece delves into how Gillan brought a slice of her real life into the reel world.

Life Imitates Art in ‘Late Bloomers'

Karen Gillan recently sat down with Collider for an exclusive chat. Notably, she spoke about an intimate scene in ‘Late Bloomers' that channels the film's cringe-comedy vibe. Compared to the polished sensuality in typical Hollywood scenes, this scene takes a quirky route. Gillan revealed the surprising origin behind this scene – it stemmed from her own life.

The unusual scene was actually inspired by a humorous anecdote from Gillan's real life. During pre-production, Gillan shared a story about her first kiss with her husband with Lisa Steen, the film's director, and Anna Greenfield, the . The moment, filled with innocent awkwardness, struck a chord with Steen and Greenfield, and they decided to incorporate it into the movie.

Gillan shared, “When I first kissed my husband, I made this weird noise. And then, I was like, ‘I don't know why I've done that.' As soon as Lisa and Anna heard the story, they said, ‘That's going in the movie. It has to.' So that's where that weird choice came from.”

This unexpected revelation might surprise , who are used to seeing Gillan as poised and confident characters.

A Liberating Filming Experience

Generally, filming intimate moments can be stressful, with every detail being scrutinized for the perfect shot. However, ‘Late Bloomers' offered Gillan an unusual sense of freedom. The less-than-romantic tonality of the scene allowed her to let loose and have fun with it.

She happily recalled the filming process. “It was fun to have the license to make it as awkward and unsexy as possible. There was something really relieving about that. We weren't trying to make something that looks incredibly . It was the opposite.”

Gillan admitted that intentionally being ‘unsexy' for the scene was an entertaining departure from the norm.

Catch Karen Gillan in ‘Late Bloomers'

Would you like to see Karen Gillan's unique take on awkward romantic scenes? Then don't miss her performance in ‘Late Bloomers'. It's a fresh perspective on love and life, delivered with authentic humor and a generous dose of real-life relatability.

‘Late Bloomers' is currently available for rent on Apple TV+. Gather your popcorn and prepare for a comical and heartfelt cinematic experience. Enjoy watching Gillan as she strides out of her comfort zone, embodying a quirky character that you'll surely resonate with. And don't forget to watch out for that infamous intimate scene that we've been talking about!

To wrap it up, Karen Gillan's role in ‘Late Bloomers' is a testament to her versatility as an actress. Not only did she handle awkward moments with ease, but she also imbued them with elements from her personal life. It's real, it's raw, and it's an appealing contrast to the perfectly glamorized Hollywood romances we're used to.

Megan Dianehttps://www.projectcasting.com
Hi, I'm Megan Browne, the Head of Partnerships at Project Casting - a job board for the entertainment industry. As Head of Partnerships, I help businesses find the best talent for their influencer campaigns, photo shoots, and film productions. Creating these partnerships has enabled me to help businesses scale and reach their true potential. I'm excited to continue driving growth by connecting people with projects they're passionate about.


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