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5 Pay Bumps EVERY Background Actor Should Know


Here are five pay bumps you should know about if you’re working as a background extra.

In every movie or TV show, some scenes include bars, parks, offices, and even street corners. Producers hire background actors to make settings look more believable.

Many of today’s A-list actors started working as a background extra. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon both started their acting career as background extras before they made their critically acclaimed movie, Good Will Hunting. Sylvester Stallone worked alongside Woody Allen before landing his first-ever speaking role. Brad Pitt also worked as a background extra before making it in Hollywood. It is a great way to make some extra cash between auditions and networking opportunities. The way to make some extra cash is with pay bumps.

Pay Bumps for Background Actors Summary:

  1. Atmosphere pay bump – $14/day
  2. Make-Up Pay Bump – $18/day
  3. Costume Pay Bump – $18 to $36/day
  4. Car Pay Bumps – .30cents/mile round trip
  5. General Props – $5.50 to $23 a prop

Background extras, background actors, are all paid for their work on a movie or TV show. However, how much the average background actor gets paid depends upon their union status, what they do, and, most importantly, pay bumps.

There are two types of background extras Union and Non-Union extras.

Background extras who are non-union tend to earn minimum wage for the state in which they perform. In 2012, the rate was $8 an hour, or $64 a day. Production companies tend to pay extras daily rates, even if they work for less than eight hours.

Productions pay Union background actors more money than non-union. Union rates for background extras, as of 2012, are about $145 per day, with weekly rates of five times the daily rate, according to Stand-ins make $160 a day, and actors with unique talents such as dancing, playing golf or driving a car, earn $155 a day.

But, anyone that has worked as a background extra in California will tell you, extras make the most money in pay bumps.

Here are five pay bumps every extra should know

Pay Bumps Explained

Atmosphere pay bump – $14/day

Union background extras get a pay bump when appearing as general extras and performing everyday actions. Such as getting wet, being exposed to smoke

Make-Up Pay Bump – $18/day

When makeup is applied to over 50% of your body, such as appearing as a zombie, union extras receive $18/day.

Costume Pay Bump – $18 to $36/day

When extras bring their wigs, costumes, clothing, outfits, etc. Producers pay between $18 to $36 extra a day. Also, every wardrobe change is $9 per day for the first change and $6.25 per day for each additional change.

Car Pay Bumps – .30cents/mile round trip

Cars that are used on set are paid .30cents/mile round trip plus cars earn $35, trailers earn $19, mopeds earn $15, motorcycles earn $35, police motorcycles earn $50.

General Props – $5.50 to $23 a prop

Pets, golf clubs, luggage, tennis racquets, and any other accessory allows for background extra to get a pay bump. Typically these pay bumps depend upon how large of a prop it is. For instance, a pet pay bump is $23/day, while a purse pay bump is only $5.50.

While union background extras get paid for all of these pay bumps, it is also generally assumed that non-union background extras will receive pay bumps, but at a discounted rate.


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If Acting Talent Doesn’t Matter, Why Take Acting Classes?


If acting talent does not matter, what’s the point of acting classes?

Most likely to gain the attention of the casting director, producer or filmmaker. But, in actuality, it is important to note that a majority of Hollywood’s biggest actors did extremely poorly in acting classes, many casting directors believe acting talent no longer matters, and if you’re not going to a drama school in the UK, your classes are probably worthless.

In 2013, the director of the National Youth Theatere said that drama schools and acting classes are a waste of money for a majority of actors. In fact, during a conference he told a crowd ,that most actors wouldn’t benefit from three years of acting training and would be better off focusing on how to sell themselves in the film industry.

“Drama schools are incredibly expensive and the majority of actors don’t need three years’ training. They need various modular courses every so often to go to. But they don’t need three years. You don’t need to learn how to act, you need to learn how to sell yourself. You can either act or you can’t.”

Which begs the question? What’s the point of acting classes?

If you look around every casting director, actor, background extra, even crew members offer some sort of acting class. For $300/month, you can take acting classes with James Franco and learn the Meisner technique. If the Meisner technique is not your cup of tea, you can take online acting classes with actor Dustin Hoffman for $90. That’s right, you can learn how to become an actor from the comfort of your living room.

But, does acting talent even really matter?

Emma Watson
JStone /

Emma Watson said in an interview that she is the worst student in her acting class. ‘It was just awful,’ she told Vanity Fair magazine. “I was like, I must be mad. Why am I doing this?”

Or, James Franco, who as I pointed above is now offering acting classes, received a D in drama school.

However,  despite their self-admitted lack of talent, these actors are cast time and time again for major motion pictures. James Franco is currently working on a HULU TV series, and Emma Watson is doing a live-action version of Beauty and the Beast. 

James Franco
taniavolobueva /

Even casting directors admitted that acting talent doesn’t matter. During a live-panel discussion with some of Hollywood’s biggest casting directors during last year’s South by South West, CDs revealed that Instagram followers are more important than actual acting talent.

In fact, Disney’s head of casting, Randi Hiller, said that acting talent makes up for about 7% of their decision to cast that actor for a movie or TV role.

From the Guardian:

To an audience including a high proportion of actors and filmmakers, Hiller said that actors should take comfort from the fact that there are many variables besides talent determining whether or not they got a particular part. Acting talent, she said, may only account for 7% of the reason a particular actor would be cast in role, citing other factors ranging from age and ethnicity to “box office value in China”.

Which still begs the question, why are acting classes so expensive? Some of these same casting directors offer acting classes to aspiring actors every year at $45 to $100 a workshop.

Maybe acting classes are just for the rich and wealthy?

Michael Douglas once said, that all of the British actors are “taking the best American roles”.

But, have you ever really wondered why so many of the actors you see on TV or in the movies are British?

Well, a lot of it comes from the huge drama programs in London. Where classes cost about $10,000/year.

Private schools such as Eton and Harrow are among the most popular and the most expensive.

Eton College
Eton College

Here are just a few of Hollywood’s A-List actors that attended private elite acting school.

  1. Eddie Redmayne
  2. Benedict Cumberbatch
  3. Dominic West
  4. Damian Lewis
  5. Tom Hiddleston
  6. Henry Cavil
  7. Tom Hardy

Oscar-winning actress Judi Dench once said that the high cost to attend acting schools makes it impossible for working class men and women to land a job in the film industry. “Anyone who’s in the theatre gets letters countless times a week asking for help to get through drama school. You can do so much, but you can’t do an endless thing. It is very expensive.” Dench added that “where you went to learn and make your mistakes and watch people who knew how to do it”

Judi Dench
Denis Makarenko /

British actor James McAvoy also called out Hollywood’s obsession with British trained acting students and how expensive it is to make it in the film industry. It is important to point out that James McAvoy was a true definition of a “struggling actor”.

James McAvoy
Andrea Raffin /

McAvoy paid his way through drama school by working in a bakery but, now the actor suggests that privately educated actors are ruining the industry. McAvoy argues that everyone cannot get the same opportunities to work in the film industry.

“Whenever we talk about this, we have to be very very clear. There’s a lot of posh actors that have been to boarding school and all that who are feeling very embattled, sort of cornered,” he said, adding: “[N]obody has got anything against an actor who is posh and is doing really well.” [via]

McAvoy believes that if this trend continues, the only actors would come from the world’s top 1%.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

Some of the biggest Hollywood stars have never taken a single acting class in their career. Actors such as Tom Cruise. You can read our article on the 7 Famous Actors That Never Took Acting Classes here.

Related Actor news:

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Lil Wayne’s Home Raided: Everything You Need to Know


Lil Wayne’s home raided on Wednesday.

Have you ever had a really bad day? Just one of those days where you just wanted to stay in bed because you feel like the whole world is against you?

It appears as though Lil Wayne is having one of those days.

According to TMZ, authorities raided Lil Wayne’s home on Tuesday and seized several of his possessions, because the singer had not paid a $2 million judgement that he owes to a jet rental company.

Lil Wayne did take to Twitter to address the situation.

But, his fans have stepped up to support Tunechi.

TMZ reports that Lil Wayne owns $30 million in art in the mansion, and cops reportedly took some of his art pieces.

Lil Wayne
Lil Wayne

Recent Lil Wayne news:

What do you think of the Lil Wayne’s home raid? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!

10 Actors That Are Box Office Poison


Box Office poison – Here are 10 actors you want to avoid when you are deciding to cast them for your next motion picture.

Despite millions of dollars in marketing, post-production, and other filmmaking scouts, the success of a movie can lay on the shoulders of the cast.

But, when a certain actor appears in a movie they can either increase box office sales or drastically hurt the movie’s earnings. If an actor appears in several movies and box office sales are constantly under expectations, then that actor can be labeled as “box office poison” – a term no actor wants to be labeled as.

Box Office poison makes actors less likely to land major roles in movies and often times these actors lose their A-list status.

These 10 actors, regardless if their films were actually any good, just seem to poison box office numbers. Ultimately, if you cast any of them in your movies, there is a pretty good chance that the movie is going to bomb in the box office.

10. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp-1
Denis Makarenko /

Johnny Depp used to garunteed a great box office return. But, audiences failed to care about his latest movies. His last several movies including, The Tourist, The Lone Ranger, and Transcendence have all bombed in the box office. Making Johnny Depp more of a has-been instead of a must watch actor.

9. Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf-1
Debby Wong /

Outside of his crazy antics, Shia LaBeouf is a struggling actor trying to stay relevant. There was a point in time when LaBeouf was a popular actor. The Transformers series helped launched his status in Hollywood. But, since then every movie he lands a leading role does pretty bad in the box office.

8. Taylor Kitsch

Taylor Kitsch
Tinseltown /

It’s hard to say if Taylor Kitsch was ever an A-list actor. But, there is one thing for certain, Kitsch hasn’t had a hit movie in years. John Carter, Battleship, and Savages all bombed in the box office, failing to even break even in the box office.

7. Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl
Featureflash /

As much as you want to love Katherine Heigl since her Grey’s Anatomy days, she hasn’t had much success in the box office. Katherine Heigl ‘The Killers,’ despite co-starring Ashton Kutcher, was a flop. Since then, only ‘Life As We Know It’ has made money.

6. Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy-1
Nata Sha /

Eddie Murphy was the go to comedian actor in Hollywood. Since Saturday Night Live, the comedian was rocking audiences with hit movies such as The Nutty Professor. But, his last movie The Adventures of Pluto Nash, bombed in the box office. In fact, his last hit movie was Shrek and that movie came out three years ago.

5. Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage
Matteo Chinellato /

Nicholas Cage has become one of the most liked actors on the Internet. If you do a quick google search of Nicolas Cage you will find hundreds of memes depicting the over top method actor. However, his last movies all bombed in the box office. Ghost Rider bombed, Drive Angry flopped, and barely anyone watched Left Behind. 

4. Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig
Piotr Zajac /

Daniel Craig has not had much luck in Hollywood outside of the James Bond franchise. For example, Cowboy and Aliens was a box office disaster. The Golden Compass did poorly in the United States and I don’t know a single person that watched Defiance. Even the internationally popular book series turned into movie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo failed to make a dent in the box office.

3. Jessica Biel

Jessica Biel
Helga Esteb /

Jessica Biel used to be a hit actress with a popular TV series and feature films such as ‘I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry,’ but since then every movie she appears in fails to do well in the box office. For example, ‘New Year’s Eve,’ ‘The A-Team,’ ‘Next,’ and the ‘Total Recall’ remake all flopped.

2. Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds
Tinseltown /

Ryan Reynolds was the go to Canadian actor for all of your romantic comedy and adventure flicks. But, in the last 10 years his movies failed to do well in the box office. Green Lantern, The Change-Up, R.I.P.D, and Turbo all flopped in the box office and didn’t even break even.

However, things may look up for Ryan Reynolds as he is supposed to star in the upcoming Deadpool motion picture after a viral campaign.

1. Michael Cera

Michael Cera
Tinseltown /

Michael Cera has a history of box office failures. Including Youth in Revolt, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Year One, Paper Heart, Magic Magic and Crystal Fairy didn’t do well in the box office.

It is sad to say to that Michael Cera may be the actor you want to avoid in your feature films because his long history of people not showing up to see what he can do in front of the screen.

Recent Actor news:

What do you think? Do you think these actors are box office poison? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!

Here’s How Much the Average Actor Actually Gets Paid!


Here’s how much the average actor gets paid and it’s less than you think.

Millions of people dream of becoming an actor but, a small fraction of those aspiring of making it in Hollywood know how much the average actor gets paid.

While Robert Downey Jr. makes hundreds of millions a year, you would be be surprised to find out how much the average actor gets paid in the entertainment industry.

Like salaries for most careers, the amount of money that actors make each year, for the most part, are not public knowledge.

Even though Forbes investigates and lists the biggest earners in Hollywood, little is known for the other actors in the film industry.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistic, it is not nearly as much as Channing Tatum, Jennifer Lawrence or Robert Downey Jr.

In their latest report on employment and wages, the Bureau of Labor Statics released the average salary for several jobs within the entertainment industry including actors, producers and directors.

Of the 155,740 actors, directors and producers included in the survey by the Department of Labour, the average person made about $89,000 in 2013, which equates to about $42.80 an hour.

The median is actually quite lower at $30.48/hour. But, it gets worse for actors.

According to the report, the median hourly pay for an actor is about $22.15 or $52,000.

This number is extremely important because it is a median, since there are an equal number of actors that make higher and lower. But, this is the most common pay for actors in the film industry.

Here are a list of 30 other jobs that pay more than actors, according to Career Builder.

  1. Loan officer
  2. Self-enrichment education teacher
  3. Forensic science technician
  4. Writer and editor
  5. Radiologic technologist and technician
  6. Medical scientist
  7. Producer and director
  8. Detective and criminal investigator
  9. Financial analyst and adviser
  10. Health educator

Actors such as Robert Downey Jr. and Channing Tatum make it look like the average actors get paid way more.


Recent Actor news:

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James Bond: How Hollywood Rejected This Actress After Landing Role in 007


Actress, Tanya Roberts, reveals she never landed a leading role in a movie after appearing in the James Bond movie A View to a Kill.

For many aspiring actors, it is their dream to make it on the big screen. Especially, if it’s for a major feature film such as the 007 James Bond franchise series. But, one actress reveals that after landing the role of the Bond Girl, she never landed a leading role in a movie ever again.

Tanya Roberts, 60, played Stacey Sutton in the 1985 hit James Bond movie, A View to Kill with Roger Moore playing James Bond.

But, nowadays she is warning other aspiring actresses to stay away from the series. According to the actress, she believes that the role left her stuck and casting directors stopped casting her for other movies.

‘I sort of felt like every girl who’d ever been a Bond Girl had seen their career go nowhere, so I was a little cautious,’ said Roberts to

Since then Roberts, who was a Charlie’s Angel member,  has worked on smaller productions including That 70s Show playing Laura Prepon’s mother, Midge Pinciotti.

Currently, Léa Seydoux and Monica Bellucci will play the latest bond girls in Daniel Craig’s new Spectre movie.

Spectre 007
Spectre 007

Recent Spectre James Bond news:

What do you think? Is there a James Bond curse? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!

Movie Director Bashes Kanye West for Ripping Off ‘All of the Lights’ Music Video


Filmmaker behind Enter the Void bashes Kanye for ripping off his movie for the music video All of the Lights.

The music industry has been with with several major lawsuits this week. Taylor Swift was accused of stealing Shake it Off. Demi Lovato was caught stealing lyrics, and now Kanye West is getting bashed by director and filmmaker Gaspar Noe over the music video All of the Lights. 

Kanye West All of the Lights
Kanye West All of the Lights

In a recent interview with The Daily Beast, Noe bashed the music video director Hype Williams for allegedly stealing ideas for All of the Lights from Noe’s movie Enter the Void. 

The issue centers around Enter the Void’s credit scenes, which is allegedly just like Kanye West’s All of the Lights music video.

From The Daily Beast:

“The director [Hype Williams] was someone else who ripped off the titles to my movie,’ he said. ‘I was more shocked by the fact that that guy who copied all the typography of my titles put his name in it—Hype Williams—when you never usually see a director’s name in a music video. He was putting his name on it over and over! It was so weird that he was not only copying it, but adding his name into the credits over and over again…”

‘The truth is that when you put something out there, if you put any idea out there that’s kind of flashy, you have many, many people that are going to be copying it.’ ”

You can watch the music video and the credit sequence below in this YouTube video:

But, who is Gaspar Noe?

In 2009, director Gaspar Noe released Enter the Void starring Nathaniel Brown and Paz de la Huerta. The movie centers around Oscar, a drug dealer who gets shot by the police. But, after getting shot, he has an out-of-body experience that allows him to see what happens after.

The movie was original in the sense that it was shot from a first-person-perspective.

Noe calls the movie a “psychedelic melodrama“.

The movie ended up bombing in the box office.

Recent Kanye West news:

What do you think? Does Gaspar Noe have a point? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!

The Walking Dead Disease? Rare Disease Makes People Think They’re Zombies


The Walking Dead disease may actually be real. As a the Cotard Delusion makes people think they’re zombies.

The Walking Dead is currently the most watched TV show on television. Bringing in millions of viewers a week, AMC has acquired and produces one of the biggest zombie dramas in history. But, did you know that there is rare mental illness that convinces people to think that they are actually zombies?

Truth is always stranger than fiction. In a recent report by the Washington Post, a rare disease called Cotard’s syndrome makes people believe that they are zombies.

What does it feel like to be a zombie?

The Walking Dead (
The Walking Dead (

From Washington Post:

“I was convinced that I had died on that flight, and I was in the afterlife and hadn’t realized it until that moment,” said Wang, now 32, who was convinced her husband and their dog Daphne were dead as well. “That was the beginning of when I was convinced that I was dead. But I wasn’t upset about it, because I thought that I could do things [in my life] over and do them better.”

This rare mental illness, in which an affected person has delusions that makes believe that they are dead.

The disease was first discovered by French neurologist Jules Cotard and he called the disease “The Delirium of Negation” or Le délire des négations.

Many people that experience Cotard Syndrome believe that they do not have certain organs, body parts, blood or both.

While the disease is not present in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems as well as the World Health Organization all classify Cotard Syndrome as a real disorder.

Symptoms of the zombie disease?

According to a case study on Cotard Syndrome, here are a list of signs and symptoms in case you come across a zombie someone experiencing Cotard delusions:

  1. Distorted reality
  2. Chronic Sadness
  3. Decreased Physical Activity
  4. Social Withdrawal
  5. Disturbed Biological Functions

Is there a cure?

But, how do you fix Cotard Syndrome? According to Scientific American, it’s not that easy. The cause of Cotard’s Syndrome is “misfiring in the fusiform face areas of the brain, which recognises faces, and also in the amygdala, which adds emotions to those recognitions.” This ends up causing lack of emotion and disconnection with reality. Typically, doctors prescribe anti-depressants and anti-psychotics along with Electroconvulsive therapy. But, nobody really knows for sure how to solve it.

Recent The Walking Dead news:

The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead

What do you think of this disease? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!

Atlanta Woman Caring for Bobbi Kristina Brown Impersonated a Nurse at The Time of Brown’s Death


Woman caring for Bobbi Kristina Brown at the hospice was not a licensed nurse.

According to a police report obtained by the AP, the woman who was in charge of caring for Bobbi Kristina Brown at the hospice where she died was impersonating a nurse and face charges including nursing without a license and identity fraud.

Bobbi Kristina Brown died July 26th at Peachtree Christian Hospice in Duluth, Georgia. Six months after being found unresponsive in a bath tub.

From the AP:

The case involving Sobamowo began in September, when investigators in Forsyth County began looking into her background after they received a tip raising questions about Sobamowo, who had worked at an assisted living facility, sheriff’s Deputy Epifanio Rodriguez said Tuesday.

Sobamowo faces charges of first-degree forgery, identity fraud and practicing nursing without a license in Forsyth County, Rodriguez said.

On Oct. 27, Forsyth County sheriff’s Detective Cpl. Jeffrey Roe contacted Duluth police “in reference to a high-profile case” that Duluth has some jurisdiction over, Duluth police wrote in their report.

Roe said Sobamowo had stolen the state-issued RN number of a real nurse at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta.

“We had no reason to believe that she was anything other than a good nurse with proper credentials,” Homestead Hospice CEO Mallie Sharafat said in a statement. “As soon as the credentialing discrepancy was discovered by one of our employees, we immediately took action and notified the appropriate authorities.”

Nothing suggests in the AP report that Sobamowo’s care for Brown may have been affected by being an uncredited nurse. The Fulton County Medical Examiner said in December that the root cause of Brown’s death had not been determined.

Police say the Brown’s death is still under investigation.

Recent Bobbi Kristina Brown news:

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Quentin Tarantino Speaks Out Against the Police Union Boycott: “It is to shut my mouth”


Quentin Tarantino finally responds to the police boycott against The Hateful Eight. 

After keeping quiet for over a week and several police unions organized a boycott of all Quentin Tarantino movies, The Weinstein Co. is finally opening up on Quentin Tarantino’s comments on police brutality.

According to an exclusive statement to The Hollywood Reporter, The Weinstein company expresses their respect for the filmmaker but, shows that they do not speak for the director.

“The Weinstein Co. has a long-standing relationship and friendship with Quentin and has a tremendous amount of respect for him as a filmmaker,” a Weinstein Co. representative told The Hollywood Reporter in a statement. “We don’t speak for Quentin; he can and should be allowed to speak for himself.”

But, Quentin Tarantino released a statement as well addressing the controversy for the first time, telling the Los Angeles Times that he would not be intimidated by police boycotts.

“Instead of dealing with the incidents of police brutality that those people were bringing up, instead of examining the problem of police brutality in this country, better they single me out,” Tarantino said to The Hollywood Reporter.

“And their message is very clear. It’s to shut me down. It’s to discredit me. It is to intimidate me. It is to shut my mouth, and even more important than that, it is to send a message out to any other prominent person that might feel the need to join that side of the argument.”

It is important to point out that Quentin Tarantino wanted to let the world know that he did not call all cops “murderers”. “All cops are not murderers. I never said that. I never even implied that.”

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Quentin Tarantino revealed that Tarantino was receiving a ton of pressure from the studio.

Behind closed doors, sources say TWC board members have been pressuring co-founder Harvey Weinstein to clean up the mounting mess that has emerged in the wake of Tarantino calling police officers “murderers.” Sources say some on the board are fearful that the company’s upcoming Tarantino film, The Hateful Eight, will take a direct economic hit thanks to a widening police boycott of the director

This controversy all started when Tarantino attended an anti-police brutality rally in New York City on October 24th. He told the crowd, “When I see murders, I do not stand by. … I have to call a murder a murder, and I have to call the murderers the murderers.”

Since then, several police unions have boycotted all future Quentin Tarantino movies.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Recent Quentin Tarantino news:

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Model Who Quit Instagram is Now Asking for Money, Friends Call it a Hoax


Instagram model, Essena O’Neill, who quit her Instagram and Instafamous lifestyle because it was “dishonest and contrived” is now asking for people to pay her bills, according to reports.

Essena O’Neill, 19, has recently quit promoting a false reality on social media.

She is now producing content that she believes will inspire young teens.

The teen has thousands of followers on social media. Including YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

But, now she is asking for people to pay her bills. In a newly published 17 minute long video posted on her new website, Essena O’Neill, who would spend more than 50 hours a week promoting her fake lifestyle, explains why she abandoned her “celebrity” social media status and says that without her online income she is no longer able to support herself.

‘I can’t afford rent right now,’ she said. ‘It’s like I am embarrassed to admit that I need help… if this [website] is of value to you then please support me because I can’t afford my own real life.’

However, friends of O’Neill revealed to sources close to the Daily Mail that it is all a hoax and publicity stunt.

“She’s got more Instagram followers than ever because of this publicity stunt… and on YouTube as well,” said former friends and YouTube bloggers, Nina and Randa in a clip titled “ESSENA O’NEILL Quitting Social Media Is A HOAX.”

YouTubers Nina and Randa, who Essena recently lived with in Los Angeles, have said the video is a publicity stunt. And it all started after her boyfriend broke up with her.

Essena O'Neill
Essena O’Neill

“When things ended with [Essena and her LA-based boyfriend]… she hated LA and I guess everyone along with it – terrible people and depressed and sad,” the beauty bloggers said.

“It was literally a complete 360 when he broke up with her… I mean 180.

“The reason she is so upset and so down is because of the break up with this guy… what she is saying is fake.”

Her friends also said she was not at the “pinnacle of success” as she was sleeping on people’s couches.

“That’s what’s so inspiring to people – this person who had money, cars, fame – she’s given up everything, but she didn’t have any of that,” they said, noting that O’Neill stayed on their couch while in LA.

“She’s still promoting herself on social media,” they added.

But Essena O’Neill has fired back saying that this is real. On her website she left the following message:

“Okay, am I the only one over these headlines? Like this is kind of my point, let’s talk about positive change and actual topics. Social pressure, reality behind paid posts, animal cruelty, environmental damage, gender equality, racism, culture appropriation, being present, living out of a 2D world – these are the headlines that should matter. Not ‘poor girl blames social media for problems’,” the statement reads.

She also commented on her “friends” in a message posted online.

Essena O'Neill
Essena O’Neill

“Nina And Randa, this is nothing about my personal life,” Essena commented on YouTube.

“This is about me feeling the need to constantly perfect and edit my life online. I am so grateful for everyone in LA but the feeling of misery was internal and I do blame myself for that, no one else. Please my personal life doesn’t deserve to be online.

“I’ve had these feelings about social media for ages and struggled with coming to grips with them. If this is me calling out paid posts and beach shoots?

“Guys I just want people to know my life was edited and not ‘real’. I want to use this spot light to talk about veganism, environmental awareness, body positivity…. why do you feel okay talking about my personal life to the world? This is about so much more than me. Please this isn’t right, you’ve twisted my words.”

Essena O’Neill is currently represented by IMG Models. One of the biggest modeling agencies in the world representing models such as Miranda Kerr and Gigi Hadid as clients.

Recent Instagram news:

What do you think of Essena O’Neill? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!

6 Movies that Clearly Re-Used Footage from Other Movies


Here are six movies that blatantly reused clips from other movies.

This is pretty amazing. Everyone knows that making a movie is expensive. You have to pay for catering, background actors, trucks, lighting, and a ton of other production equipment in order to turn an idea into a reality. That is why so many Hollywood producers are rushing to cities like Atlanta, where states provide film and tax incentives.

But, did you know that Hollywood reuses scenes from other movies in order to save money?

Transformers (via

Screen Rant came up with a list of movies that shows how movies have reused and recycled scenes from other movies.

We rare not talking about paying tribute to a particular movie, we are talking about taking footage from one movie and using it again in another movie and hoping no body would notice.

Did you ever notice that Star Wars reused a ton of the same scenes? Or Michael Bay likes to reuse the same explosions?

You can check out the full video below:

Recent Hollywood news:

What do you think? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!

‘Greenleaf’ Starring Oprah Winfrey Casting Call for Teens in Atlanta


OWN’s Greenleaf is now casting teen actors in Atlanta, Georgia for a high school scene.

CAB Castings is now looking for teen actors and models to work on the new Oprah Winfrey Network series, Greenleaf filming in Atlanta, Georgia. Casting directors are seeking extras to work on a high school scene filming on Monday, November 9th and Tuesday, November 10th in Atlanta.

Greenleaf is “described as the center of the community for the thousands of predominantly African-American members who attend services there. But beneath its steeple lies a den of iniquity — greed, adultery, sibling rivalry and conflicting values.”

To audition for a role on OWN’s Greenleaf, check out the casting call details below:

OWN Greenleaf Open Casting Call

CAB CASTINGS, LLC. is looking for PAID EXTRAS who are OR APPEAR to be between the ages of 14 and 16. We are shooting a high school scene for OWN’s new MEGACHURCH drama series “GREENLEAF” in Atlanta, GA.

-If child is actually ages 14- 16, we will have to get a minor permit filled out and turned in ASAP!
-If you are an adult that can past for a kid, you will be asked to come in for a fitting sometime on this upcoming Friday, November 6, 2015.

The dates will vary as the same kids will be used through out the season if chosen.
Monday, November 9, 2015 and Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Call times have not been made so we are asking that everyone please make sure you are available for a 12 hour work day when submitting!

The rate for extras on this production is $64/8hr, which you will receive in the form of a check in the mail. After 8hrs it will be time and a half.
If available, please email the information below to [email protected]
w/ Subject Line: Prep School
– Name
– Number
– Age
– Height
– Are you 18 for Younger?
– 2 Photos (1 Headshot/ 1 Full Body)
A member from CAB CASTINGS, LLC. will call you to book your attendance in a scene and confirm availability if interested in booking you for the show.

Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.

What do you think? Discuss this story with fellow Project Casting fans on Facebook. On Twitter, follow us at @projectcasting.

Paid Cell Phone Commercial Casting Call in Miami


Cell phone commercial casting call for models in Miami, Florida.

Miami Talent Casting is looking for actors and models to work on a cell phone commercial in Miami, Florida. Producers are looking for a ton of actors and models to work on the upcoming commercial ranging from kids to hipsters.

Talents that are selected will be compensated $200. Filming will take place on November 13th in Miami, Florida.

To audition for a role on the upcoming cell phone commercial, check out the casting call details below:

Cell Phone Commercial Casting Call

Miami – Phone Commercial
rate $200 half day shoot
[email protected]


– Young professional – Hispanic or caucasian Male late 20’s 30’s hipster,clean cut, brown hair

– Beach Girls – Young girls early 20’s, all ethnicities

– Jogger – Young athletic handsome Brown hair hispanic looking

– Young female professional – Hispanic or caucasian Female late/mid 20’s hipster, brown hair

– Business man – Young 40’s, late 30 ‘s Male, Brown hair – hispanic looking

– Child – 8 yo male or female, brunette, cute, caucasian or hispanic

– Hipster Guy – early 20’s can pass for hispanic, young good looking

– Hipster Girl – early 20’s can pass for hispanic, young good looking

Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.

What do you think? Discuss this story with fellow Project Casting fans on Facebook. On Twitter, follow us at @projectcasting.

History Channel ‘Vikings’ Open Casting Call for New Talent in Ireland


History Channel’s hit TV series Vikings is now holding an open casting call for extras to work on the hit TV series.

According to the casting call, the open casting call will be held on Saturday, November 14th in Liberty Hall, Eden Quay, Dublin 1 Ireland from 10:30am to 4:30pm.

Producers are looking for African, Caribbean, Middle Eastern, Asian, Mediterranean, and South American actors, models, and talent to work on the TV series.

Vikings is inspired by the sagas of Viking Ragnar Lothbrok, one of the best-known mythological Norse heroes and notorious as the scourge of England and France. It portrays Ragnar as a former farmer who rises to fame by successful raids into England with the support of his family and fellow warriors: his brother Rollo, his son Bjorn, and his wives—the shieldmaiden Lagertha and the princess Aslaug.

To audition for a role on ‘Vikings’, check out the casting call details below:

History Channel ‘Vikings’ Casting Call

“Vikings”, filmed in Co. Wicklow & Dublin, and shown nationally on RTE 2 and Internationally on the History Channel.

The story follows a group of Vikings travelling overseas and discovering new parts of the world. It is set around the time of the late 8th and early 9th Centuries.

A crucial part of the story is how the Vikings see and react to the contrasting cultures and nationalities they encounter for the first time when they journey south. We are currently casting for Extras – NOT VIKINGS – but the people they encounter in the regions of the Mediterranean and Africa.

We are therefore seeking to cast and employ 100’s of EXTRAS from the following backgrounds…AFRICAN, CARIBBEAN, MIDDLE EASTERN, ASIAN, MEDITERRANEAN, SOUTH AMERICAN.We will be holding an Open Casting day on Saturday 14th November at Liberty Hall, Eden Quay, Dublin 1 between 1030am – 4.30pm.

The work will be paid and there is no signing on fee or no agency fees included – we pay you directly! The Open Casting is a very quick process.

We will give each person an application form when they arrive to fill out. We will then take a photo of each person there.

It is very informal.

You can come along anytime between 1030am and 4.30pm, no appointment necessary.

The whole process should only take about 20 minutes per person.

Casting is open to children and adults of all ages; Under 16 year olds must be accompanied by a parent or a chaperone.

Following the casting, we will phone people to give dates of work and ask that they come to our studio for a costume fitting prior to the day of filming.

If people have already attended our open casting earlier this year then there is no need to reapply, as you will be automatically considered.

This is a very specific open casting and you should only come along if you fit the groups denoted above.

You must live in Ireland and have a pps number.

For further information EMAIL: [email protected].

Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.

What do you think? Discuss this story with fellow Project Casting fans on Facebook. On Twitter, follow us at @projectcasting.

2 Chainz ‘BFF’ Music Video Casting Call in Atlanta


Do you want to appear in a music video with 2 Chainz?

Well Kay Clark Casting is looking for beautiful models between the ages of 18 to 27 years old to work on a music video filming on Friday, November 6th in Atlanta, Georgia.

To audition for a role on the upcoming 2 Chainz music video BFF, check out the casting call details below:

2 Chainz Music Video Casting Call

2 Chainz
Music Video

Shoot Date: Friday 11/6/15
Location: Atlanta
Rate: TBD

Seeking sexy exotic beautiful female models 18-27yrs any ethnicity. If avail or have any questions, email photos and contact number to [email protected]

Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.

What do you think? Discuss this story with fellow Project Casting fans on Facebook. On Twitter, follow us at @projectcasting.

MTV ‘Teen Wolf’ Now Hiring Shelley Hennig’s Photo Double in Los Angeles


MTV Teen Wolf Season 5 is now hiring photo doubles in Los Angeles, California for the actress Shelly Hennig.

MTV’s TEEN WOLF is now casting a photo double for the actress Shelley Hennig in Los Angeles, California. MTV producers are looking for an actress that is between 5’6 to 5’8 and between 115 and 135 pounds to work on a scene filming on November, 4th in Los Angeles, California.

Season 5 of MTV’s Teen Wolf centers around Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Kira return to a new semester of school with more human worries than supernatural, while also trying to help their new friend, Malia, integrate back into society. But Kate Argent’s surprising resurrection brings a new threat to Beacon Hills along with the emergence of another mysterious enemy known simply as The Benefactor. (MTV)

To audition for a role on MTV’s Teen Wolf Season 5, check out the casting call details below:

MTV Teen Wolf Season 5 Casting Call

UNION CASTING NOTICE PHOTO DOUBLE- shoots on MTV show, Wednesday, November 4 in Northridge You must live in Southern California area to submit. RATE UNION 172/8
FEMALE CAUCASIAN, 5’6 to 5’8, 115-135 lbs Must look like actor in photo. Please email a current photo, age, height, measurements, union status and contact info to: [email protected] Subject line should read: MALIA


Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.

What do you think? Discuss this story with fellow Project Casting fans on Facebook. On Twitter, follow us at @projectcasting.

‘Fist Fight’ Starring Tracy Morgan Casting Call for New Talent in Atlanta


Do you want to work on Tracy Morgan’s comeback movie? Fist Fight is looking for new talent in Atlanta, Georgia.

Tracy Morgan’s new movie Fist Fight is now casting actors, models, and talent to work as high school students and teachers in the upcoming feature film. Extras Casting Atlanta is looking for new talent that have not previously worked on the upcoming feature film.

Fist Fight stars Charlie Day, Ice Cube and Tracey Morgan.  Charlie Day plays a mild-mannered English teacher who is put to the test when a colleague (Ice Cube) who thinks he is trying to get him fired challenges him to a fist fight after school. According to Deadline, Richie Keen will direct ‘Fist Fight’. Richie Keen has directed short films and such TV series as Showtime’sShameless and FX’s It’s Always Sunny In Philadephia, which stars Day. Sam Brown and Dave Neustadter are the New Line execs on the project.

To audition for a role on Fist Fight, check out the casting call details below:

Fist Fight Casting Call

fist fight movie

For tomorrow looking for some additional student types — NEW FACES have not previously worked on Fist Fight — attractive all ethnicities
– 18 – 22 years old

Also looking for two new face teacher types – late 30’s to 50’s man and women — all ethnicities


Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.

What do you think? Discuss this story with fellow Project Casting fans on Facebook. On Twitter, follow us at @projectcasting.

Tom Cruise’s ‘Jack Reacher 2’ Casting Cal for Teens and Extras in New Orleans


Jack Reacher 2 starring Tom Cruise is now casting extras to play high school students and government workers.

Tom Cruise’s new movie Never Go Back is now looking for actors, models, and talent to work on upcoming scenes filming on Wednesday, November 4th in New Orleans. Central Casting Louisiana is looking for extras to play DC government workers and high school studnets. Casting directors are specifically looking for teens to play high school students and people with cars to to play government workers.

Jack Reacher 2 centers around Jack Reacher as he returns to the headquarters of his old unit, only to find out he’s now accused of a 16-year-old homicide.

Jack Reacher

To audition for a role on ‘Jack Reacher 2: Never Go Back’, check out the casting call details below:

Jack Reacher 2: Never Go Back

***Never Go Back*** Working in New Orleans – Wednesday, 11/4

DC GOVERNMENT WORKERS W/CAR: **NO RED, BLACK OR WHITE VEHICLES PLEASE. Seeking any ethnicity, ages 18 and up, to work with their vehicle. No wardrobe fitting required.
If you are available and fit the above description, please submit a current picture of yourself, picture of your vehicle, your name, phone number, and your location to [email protected] with CAR in the subject line.

High School Students Casting Call

***Never Go Back – Working in New Orleans – Wednesday 11/4***

TEENS – Currently casting Caucasian and African American looking males who are at least 18 years old who appear to be high school age or younger. *NEW FACES*

Please submit a current picture, name, phone number and location to: [email protected] with TEEN in the subject line.

Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.

What do you think? Discuss this story with fellow Project Casting fans on Facebook. On Twitter, follow us at @projectcasting.

‘True Memoirs of an International Assassin’ Casting Call for Models in Atlanta


‘True Memoirs of an International Assassin’ starring Kevin James is now hiring extras to play security guards in Atlanta, Georgia.

Hylton Casting is now hiring extras to play bodyguards for an upcoming scene in the new movie True Memoirs of an International Assassin. Filming will take place on Wednesday, November 18th in Atlanta. Producers are looking for muscular guys that are either Caucasian or Hispanic and between the ages of 21 to 50.

In addition, casting directors is looking for Caucasian and Hispanic women between the ages of 18 to 35 to play swimwear models on an upcoming scene filming in Atlanta, Georgia.

In the comedy, Kevin James plays an accountant mistaken for an assassin when a novel he’s writing is accidentally published as nonfiction, forcing him to flee to Belize. Assassinwill be directed by Jeff Wadlow (Kick Ass 2) based on a Black List screenplay by Jeff Morris and it will be produced by Kevin Frakes, Todd Garner, Raja Collins and Justin Begnaud. Shooting begins this fall.

To audition for a role on True Memoirs of an International Assassin, check out the casting call details below:

True Memoirs of an International Assassin Casting Call

For the feature film “True Memoirs of an International Assassin,” we are casting the following specialty extra roles:

Extra Role: Bodyguard
-Caucasian and Hispanic males, ages 21-50
-Must have a muscular build
Filming Location: Atlanta, GA
Tentative Filming date: Wednesday, 11/18/15
Rate: $90 for 8 hours
(you are guaranteed 8 hours with overtime after 8 hours)

Extra Role: Guerilla
-Hispanic males, ages 21-50
-Must have a muscular build
Filming Location: Atlanta, GA
Tentative Filming date: Thursday, 12/10/15
Rate: $90 for 8 hours
(you are guaranteed 8 hours with overtime after 8 hours)

To submit, please visit the link below. Please list the role you are applying for in your submission.

**Please note, if you have already submitted your information, you do not need to resubmit. We will reach out to you for you to submit updated pictures and/or resume if we are interested in considering you for this role.

Models Casting Call

For the feature film “True Memoirs of an International Assassin,” we are casting the following specialty extra role:

Extra Role: Swimwear Model
-Casting professional/experienced models
-Caucasian and Hispanic females, ages 18-35
-This extra role requires you be in an outdoor heated pool in cold weather in your swimsuit.
-Please submit recent photos of yourself in swimwear

Filming Location: Atlanta, GA
Tentative Filming date: Wednesday, 11/18/15
Rate: $200 for 8 hours + $10 water bump
(you are guaranteed 8 hours with overtime after 8 hours)

To submit, please visit the link below. Please list “Swimwear Model” as the role that you are applying for in your submission.

**Please note, if you have already submitted your information, you do not need to resubmit. We will reach out to you for you to submit updated pictures and/or resume if we are interested in considering you for this role.

Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.

What do you think? Discuss this story with fellow Project Casting fans on Facebook. On Twitter, follow us at @projectcasting.