
California, United States

Production Type:


Job Type:


Required Skill:


Casting Call: Open Model Call in Redlands, CA

Job Description:

Are you dreaming of becoming a model? This is your chance to be discovered! Join us for an open call where you can meet our scouts and potentially kick-start your modeling career. We are looking for fresh faces who are ready to take the fashion world by storm.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Attend the open call at the specified location and time.

  • Present yourself confidently and professionally.

  • Follow any instructions given by the scouts or event organizers.

  • Provide any required information or materials (e.g., headshots, measurements) upon request.


  • Age: 16-25 years old.

  • Height:

    • Women: 5’7” and above.

    • Men: 6’0” and above.

  • Must bring a valid ID for age verification.

  • Dress in simple, form-fitting clothing that showcases your natural physique (e.g., jeans and a plain t-shirt).


  • This is an open call for scouting purposes. Selected individuals will be contacted for potential modeling contracts, which will include compensation details based on assignments.

Company Details
Willy Scouts
Florida United States

7 Jobs