
Jonah HIll

Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill Team Up with Q-Tip for a New Drama Series

Leonardo DiCaprio Teams up with Jonah Hill and Q-Tip for a new television series Grammy Award winning hip-hop artist Q-tip is teaming up with Wolf of...

Leonardo DiCaprio Defends ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’

The controversy surrounding Martin Scorsese's 'The Wolf of Wall Street' continues to grow as Leonardo DiCaprio defends the film. DiCaprio has recently spoken out in...

Wolf on Wall Street: Jonah Hill Explains his Acting Experiences and What He Learned

What did Jonah Hill Experience on set of 'Wolf on Wall Street' almost Martin Scorsese's recent and excessive film, Wolf on Wall Street has shocked...

’22 Jump Street’ Starring Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill Casting Call for Extras – Paid Travel

22 Jump Street Casting Call and Acting Audition for an upcoming scene in the feature film. Casting directors are looking for Caucasian females between the...

Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill Reveal Why They Started Acting [VIDEO]

Before they were A-List actors, Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill were aspiring actors. Brad Pitt first gained recognition as a cowboy hitchhiker in the road...


$3,000+ Casting Call: Stunt Fighters & Wrestlers Needed for Action-Packed Commercial

💥 Quick Takeaways: Casting professional wrestlers and stunt performers for...

Chicago Fire’ Casting Call: Soccer Players Needed for TV Scene

⚽ Quick Takeaways: NBC’s Chicago Fire is casting male soccer...

$1,500/Day Casting Call: Skateboarders Wanted for Major Clothing Brand Photoshoot

🎯 Quick Takeaways: A major clothing brand is casting skateboarders...

Nike Commercial Casting Call – Older Male Barber Wanted in NYC

🎯 Quick Takeaways: Nike is casting an older male actor...