Amidst the ongoing transformation of the DC Universe under the stewardship of new co-heads James Gunn and Peter Safran, fans of the iconic character...
Gal Gadot Shines in Netflix's Latest Spy Thriller, 'Heart of Stone
Netflix's Tudum event in São Paulo, Brazil, has generated significant buzz around the highly...
Margot Robbie's Vision for Barbie: Gal Gadot Considered for the Role
In a recent interview with Vogue, Margot Robbie, the lead actress and executive producer...
Margot Robbie's Choice for Barbie: Gal Gadot
In a recent interview with Vogue, Margot Robbie, the lead actress and executive producer of the upcoming Barbie,...
Warner Bros. and DC have reportedly scrapped 'Wonder Woman 3' as Gal Gadot hints at a thrilling "next chapter" of the beloved character's story.