Entertainment NewsGundam Live Action: Walk in One Piece's Footsteps or Carve its Own...

Gundam Live Action: Walk in One Piece’s Footsteps or Carve its Own Path?


Key takeaways:

– One Piece Live Action’s success has inspired other franchises to venture into anime live adaptations.
– Gundam is following suit, but concerns about recency bias and lack of financial backing persist.
– Despite the success of One Piece, other Netflix anime live adaptations received mixed reviews.
– Gundam Live Action should focus on a bespoke approach rather than simply following the success of others.

Setting the Stage: One Piece Live Action Success

The unprecedented success of Netflix’s One Piece Live Action could potentially signal a change in the often treacherous waters of anime live adaptations. Previously, production houses and directors demonstrated reluctance entering this genre due to a string of failures. Following the triumph of One Piece, however, the tide seems to have turned, with many now tempted to roll the dice in this category.

The Latest Contender: Gundam Live Action

Among those inspired by One Piece Live Action’s success is Gundam, a franchise that is already 45 years old and preparing for its live-action debut. Despite the popularity of the Gundam franchise, it is worth considering whether following One Piece’s footsteps is the best course of action. Unlike Netflix, Legendary Pictures, the producers of Gundam Live Action, may not have the same financial muscle.

Understanding Recency Bias in Anime Live Action

Recency bias, a prevailing trend in the entertainment industry, could cloud the judgement of those looking to emulate One Piece’s success. Before One Piece Live Action came onto the scene, many endeavored to produce successful anime live-action movies, but often with disappointing results. Post-One Piece, these franchises are now keen to ride on its success. The danger lies in the potential disadvantages of succumbing to recency bias.

The Financial Aspect: Finding A Balance

Legendary Pictures has already acquired the rights to Gundam Live Action. However, despite One Piece’s success, they could benefit more if they stick to their own agenda. Overambitious budgets, unable to match Netflix’s financial capacity, could cause more harm than good. While Netflix could afford to sustain One Piece Live Action through multiple seasons despite some potential failures, Gundam and Legendary Pictures may not have this advantage.

Prospective Path: Make The Right Move

Learning from One Piece Live Action’s accomplishment is important, but so is understanding other anime live adaptations. Some, like Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning, Chihayafuru trilogy, and Attack on Titan, managed box office success on limited budgets. Gundam should take time to observe successes in the anime-live adaptation landscape and craft an approach that is unique to its franchise.

Past Mistakes: Learn and Progress

Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender and Yu Yu Hakusho live adaptations received mixed reviews, underlining the importance of executing adaptations according to capability. Blindly following trends and falling victim to recency bias could cause significant damage down the line. With the anime and manga industry now mainstream and anime live adaptations booming, taking a careful, considered approach is a wiser strategy.

In conclusion, while One Piece Live Action’s success offers hope and direction, incoming anime live adaptations, like Gundam, need to tread with caution. Emulating One Piece’s success isn’t a surefire recipe for success. As the old saying goes, “One size does not fit all”. Each franchise needs to carefully carve its own path in the world of anime live adaptations.

Brent Antonio
Reginald has over 20 years of experience in business and technology. Reginald has an undergraduate degree in business and completed post graduate work in business. He has extensive experience in a variety of fields, including: finance, media relations, marketing, strategic planning, public policy, and administration. He has also worked in economic development and community relations. Because of Reginald’s experience, he is passionate about reporting business and technology news.


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