Psych is an American detective comedy-drama TV series created by Steve Franks and is currently broadcasted on the USA Network. Psych centers on Shawn, young crime consultant for the Santa Barbara Police Department, whose “heightened observational skills” and detective instincts allow him to convince people that he has psychic abilities. The series airs episodes every Wednesdays at 10PM on USA Network. Psych debuted on Friday, July 7, 2006 and currently Psych has been renewed for a seventh season.
Psych also features Dulé Hill, as he plays Burton “Gus” Guster, Shawn’s best friend and business partner. He is also a pharmaceutical salesman. Unlike Shawn he takes his job very seriously and tries to act professionally, but eventually ends up tagging along with Shawn’s jokes and adventures. He is famous for his many aliases and being attracted tall types of females that end up being prime suspects.
Psych averages about 6.1 million viewers and is rated the highest scripted series to premiere on basic cable in 2006 for all demographics, according to the USA Network press release. Psych is also been nominated for 2010 Emmy Award in the category of Outstanding Music Composition for a series.
Principal Actor Casting Information
Psych Julie Ashton Casting, 6253 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 505, L.A., CA 90028.
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