HomeMann Robinson

Mann Robinson

About company:
"The Right Thing" Principal Roles Open Casting Call

Open Jobs:




Randall (African-American)– protagonist (21) A nice guy. A dreamer. Aspiring filmmaker

Mike- (Middle Eastern Descent) antagonist (24) Harlow’s brother, a fairly handsome young man. Protective of his family. He works with his father to run the neighborhood coney island. Stern and angry, he wants the family business to be respected and not taken advantage of by the neighborhood’s patrons.

HARLOW – (Middle Eastern Descent) (20), beautiful Chaldean. Aspiring actress. Wants to make her family proud but also wants to follow her dreams.

DUTCH – (22) a chill stoner and Randall’s best friend.

BINA- (20) Harlow’s friend. Middle Eastern.

SPORT COAT – Neighborhood vagrant. Dealt a rough hand in life, stays looking like a gentleman, even if his appearance comes up a little short of the look.


CANDY – (20) Randall’s girlfriend. Very “Hood”.

Robin Hoods – Famous Rapper respected by the entire neighborhood because it’s where he is from.

Tammy – gossip girl is a take from the film of Sweet Dick Willie and his crew. .

Tina – Gossip girl is a take from Coconut Syd
Keisha – Gossip girl is a stake from ML
Junebug – 11 year old “woke” brother. He is a take from Buggin Out.

The crew – Young neighborhood kids. Cray, Carl, Wiz, Angel (girl). They are a take of Martin Lawrence Character See and his crew Punchy, Ahmad and Ella.

Carlos – Mexican. He is a take from Radio Raheem.

Mr Weng – Asian beauty supply store owner

Mrs Weng – (Asian) Beauty supply store owner

Officer Mitchell (White)

John (Middle Eastern Descent)– Night cook at Pops restaurant
Ish – Mike’s friend ( middle eastern descent)

Cain – Mike’s friend (Middle eastern Descent) .
Farren – Harlow’s friend (Midd stern Descent)

2 PM- 6 PM, May 13, 2023

Contact name:
Mann Robinson

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