Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a Hollywood talent agent?
Well one former Hollywood talent agent recently opened up on Reddit about what it’s like to work in Hollywood, how talent agencies get their actors and actresses cast and what it’s like to be a casting director in Hollywood. And it’s pretty surprising.
The anonymous talent agent revealed that the best thing a talent agent can do is network and make “nice” with casting agents. ”
When I first started out, the way I got roles for my clients is by making “nice” with the casting agents. I would call them and personally pitch my clients if they were a fit for the role no matter what ethnicity they were. Sometimes it work, sometimes it didn’t.
The talent agent also explained the difference between bigger agencies and smaller agencies, which can be a good or bad thing.”An agent at a bigger agency has more clients and will only submit you for the roles they feel you are “right” for.”
On the casting side, they see little thumbnail images, thousands of them, of people that many times just by looks they click to send an audition.
However, the most interesting part of the interview was how casting directors cast actors for movies and TV shows.
Let me explain the way casting works and then that will give you better advice I think. All agencies submit to the same exact casting boards. We all get a notice of roles, and then we get to submit the talent we think is best for them. On the casting side, they see little thumbnail images, thousands of them, of people that many times just by looks they click to send an audition.
And that’s why successful actors have hardworking talent agents.
They can sort the list by agency if they so choose. So if the agent that has little experience is getting the cast notices and submitting you, the best thing he can do is follow up each and everyone of those submissions with a phone call to pitch how great you are.
I used to find out the favorite hang out spots of casting agents and “bump” into them just to pitch my clients. On the other hand, the agent that has the name behind him, can get through easier if he has a great relationship with the casting agents.
If you’re interested in landing a talent agent. Check out our free talent agency guide here. You can also check out the latest talent agency casting calls here.
Check out our latest Beginner’s Guide series below:
Beginner’s Guide: How Actors Can Impress Casting Directors [VIDEO]
Beginner’s Guide: How to Become a Method Actor
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