“Breaking Bad” and “Dexter” both came as an end last month. The SAG Foundation provided an unusual angle from which to look back at the series — by way of their casting directors.
Sharon Bialy and Sherry Thomas shared their perspectives and viewpoints as how they were able to choose the cast for “Breaking Bad and “Dexter.”
Sharon Bialy and Sherry Thomas of “Breaking Bad” and Shawn Dawson of “Dexter” appeared in conversation with moderator Michael Bofshever (who played Jesse Pinkman’s dad) to talk about the casting process for both shows. Among the interesting topics touched on are the differences between working on a series from the pilot versus joining it in process, the need to accurately reflect the makeup of the populations of Albuquerque and Miami in the cast and guest stars and the search for an actor with cerebral palsy to play Walt Jr.They also talk about how casting works in general, and offer advice to actors on auditioning for casting directors (indiewire).
Note: The video, below, was recorded off a live stream and stays on the title card for a long time before things begin, so skip to the 10 minute mark to see the start of the talk.