Scarlett Johansson, the renowned actress best known for her roles in blockbuster films, has recently taken legal action against an AI app that allegedly...
In a recent development, Hollywood heavyweights George Clooney, Scarlett Johansson, Emma Stone, Ben Affleck, and Tyler Perry convened with SAG-AFTRA leaders. This meeting comes...
While Scarlett Johansson has been a successful actor, she admits to being "groomed" into becoming a typecast 'Bombshell-Type Actor.'
Scarlett Johansson recently shared on the...
Scarlett Johansson on being 'Hypersexualized' and 'Objectified' made me feel like my profession was over.
Scarlett Johansson said on a recent episode of Dax Shepard's...
Scarlett Johansson on being 'Hypersexualized' and 'Objectified' made me feel like my profession was over.
Scarlett Johansson said on a recent episode of Dax Shepard's...