
Entertainment Careers

Want to Pitch Your Show Idea to Producers? NBC is Now Accepting Submissions

NBC is looking for people to pitch new comedy TV shows to their production company. Do you have a ground-breaking comedy idea? NBC is listening! Their...

MTV Talent and Casting is Now Hiring Casting Producer

MTV Talent and Casting is looking to bring aboard a skilled Casting Producer with both field and office experience. This individual must be a...


Ana de Armas Net Worth: Hollywood’s Rising Diva with a Staggering $20 Million Net Worth

Key Takeaways: - Ana de Armas is known for her...

Spielberg’s DreamWorks Posing a Challenge to Lucas’ Pixar With ‘The Wild Robot’

Key takeaways: - The creative journey of Pixar started with...

Rhys Ifans’ Prankster Antics Lighten Up Movie Sets

Here are the key takeaways from the article: - Rhys...

Erik Menendez Criticizes Netflix’s Monsters’ Depiction of His Story

Key Takeaways: * Erik Menendez, one the real-life men the...