Producers for the upcoming TV series "The Originals", a Vampire Diaries "spinoff", are currently accepting resumes for crew positions.
The Georgia Film, Music and Digital...
Casting Directors for the upcoming TV series "The Originals", a Vampire Diaries "spinoff", are currently casting background extras for the TV series.
Tammy Smith Casting recently...
Casting Directors for the upcoming TV series "The Originals", a Vampire Diaries "spinoff", are currently casting background extras for the TV series.
Tammy Smith Casting recently...
Casting Directors for the upcoming TV series "The Originals", a Vampire Diaries "spinoff", are currently casting background extras for the TV series to work in...
Tammy Smith Casting- Atlanta recently posted a casting call seeking African Americans to work as 1800's servants on an upcoming episode of CW TV series...