Teen world cup fan’s hunting photo cost aspiring models’ modeling career.
It has been a tough week for blonde teenagers. Earlier this week, 19-year old hunter Kendall Jones had her photos of trophy leopards, elephants and rhinos removed from Facebook after a worldwide backlash.
Now the career of 17-year old Belgian model who was discovered in the crowd at the World Cup, may have her career ended before it even began due to her own hunting photos.
Read More: Fan Scores Modeling Contract After World Cup 2014 Photo Goes Viral
Axelle Despiegelaere, was spotted in the stands during one of the World Cup games and she quickly became famous as one of the “most beautiful football supporters” and was picked up by the cosmetics company L’Oreal.
Here’s the video she made with the make up company this week:
Now she is on hot water. Someone found Despiegelaere’s public Facebook page, where she posted a hunting trip with a dead oryx along with a very anti-American comments. Needless to say the response was not positive:
L’Oreal has “cut ties” with the aspiring model since the photos emerged, the company said the contract was a one-off deal and the deal has been completed and the model is not a World Cup spokesperson for the brand.
A rep told reporters that the company was aware of the photograph, but would not comment on whether it was the reason why they ended their relationship with Despiegelaere. Furthermore, L’Oreal pointed out that they do not condone animal testing or anything with dead animals period.
L’Oréal “no longer tests on animals, anywhere in the world, and does not delegate this task to others.”
Despiegelaere hasn’t commented on the controversy around her photo, but she has deleted her Facebook page.
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