Have you ever wanted to become an actor? Well a recent study shows your significant other has a bigger impact than you think.
It is easy to think that working as a team is better than working by yourself. Think about it, you have your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse to help you tackle any obstacle that comes your way.
But, think again, the reason why you haven’t made a budget in the last couple of months or, the reason why you quit your New Year’s Resolution after five months is your significant other’s fault (or yours).
Time has recently reported on a study out of Boston College. The study says, that despite your best intentions to complete any goal, your motivation level is dependent upon the person who has the lowest amount of inspiration.
“Self-control is essentially a social enterprise,” writes Hristina Dzhogleva, an assistant professor of marketing at Boston College and lead author of the new paper. In a series of experiments with both real couples and lab simulations, the researchers found that the people with higher self-control tend to cave and give into the more indulgent preferences of their partners in order to keep peace in the relationships.
The study shows that if you are a person that has a lot of self-control avoid partnering with someone who has low self control. “Higher self-control individuals should be wary of partnering with low self- control individuals,” adding it “may negate their innate advantages in pursuing long-term goals.”
So, if you are interested in becoming an actor, a businessman, or reaching your goals it would be best to find someone who is as driven as you are. If not they are just holding you back from achieving your dreams.
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