New Coronavirus rules reveal how Sweden and Denmark plan to restart their film production as soon as possible.
Across the United States, producers shut down filming due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It is causing hundreds of thousands if not, millions of people looking for work during the COVID-19 crisis. But, two European countries restart film production with new Coronavirus rules.
According to Variety, Sweden and Denmark are among the first countries in the world to put in place specific government guidelines and allow production to start.
The measures were listed in a document called the “Nordic Film Guide” made with production company Hobby Film and based data from both Sweden and Denmark. Hobby Film, which mostly makes commercials and is known for producing projects for H&M, Netflix, McDonald’s, and Heineken.
The new rules cancel the possibility of large crowd scenes and large production staff numbers.
“It is deemed irresponsible to execute crowd scenes where social distancing cannot be upheld to a satisfactory degree, as the risk of contagion is considered to be too high,” said the guide, sharing the example of a nightclub scene is a health risk.
Kissing and intimate scenes are not recommended for those older than 70. The Scandanavian website explains there “are no official rules regarding kissing, sex scenes and scenes that require one actor to touch another’s face,” casting actors at an “increased risk of severe illness.”
Other productions have banned the use of background actors. The Nordic Film Guide suggests, a limitation of background actors and All background talent, should to the greatest extent possible, wear their clothes and dress from home. If this is not possible – production is required to provide dressing facilities where social distancing measures are followed.
Highlights of the new rules:
- Maximum of 50 people on set
- Leaner crews and planning to ensure departments can work independently
- Every person inside an interior shot needs to have 4 square meters of space (This rules out the possibility of large crowd scenes.
- Kissing and intimate scenes are not recommended.
- Casting actors above the age of 70 is not recommended.
- Casting will be done via video conference or self-tape video auditions.
- Filming on location is allowed
- Catering will not allow buffets or coffee stations. Food must be a single-serving portion and sit down meals will be split into two seatings of 20 minutes
- Maks will be provided to everyone
You can read the full list of guides and rules here.
In relevant news, Hollywood executives are not in a rush to film in Georgia. According to a new Deadline report, even if Georgia plans to relax restrictions to include more film and TV production, Hollywood studios are not planning on taking advantage of filming in Georgia any time soon. Not until testing across the nation increases dramatically, and industry guidelines are created to provide a safe environment for their cast and crew.
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