Entertainment NewsFull Moon's Barbie & Kendra Series Get Spotlight Ahead of New Release

Full Moon’s Barbie & Kendra Series Get Spotlight Ahead of New Release


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Key Takeaways:

– Full Moon Features is highlighting the Barbie and Kendra series ahead of the latest release on June 28th.
film, Barbie & Kendra Meet the Corona Zombies, parodies a zombie movie in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
– The following movies explore the ditsy duo saving the and storming Area 51.
– The upcoming movie, Barbie & Kendra Crash Joe Bob's Drive-In Jamboree, features the pair saving an outdoor movie theatre.
– The previous three films in the series cleverly used stock footage, which is a trend continued in the latest release.


Fans of the wacky but beloved Barbie & Kendra franchise, brace yourselves! Full Moon Features is turning the on your favorite series all this week and you definitely don't want to miss it.

Starting off the party is the film that thrust this quarantine-based franchise into the limelight: Barbie & Kendra Meet the Corona Zombies. It's a quirky mix of Italian zombie movie parody and all-out Full Moon craziness, proving that even in the midst of a global pandemic, laughter can still be .

Shifting gears, the next film in the series, Barbie & Kendra Save the Tiger King, offers a lighter take on the lockdown gloom. The second installment spins a hilarious tale of the duo trapped in quarantine, scheming to save the flamboyant Tiger King from the clutches of Carole Baskin – all without leaving their living room!

The whimsy doesn't stop there. Barbie & Kendra Storm Area 51 takes on a viral saga deep into the forbidden fortress of Area 51. With cleverly re-dubbed retro sci-fi footage and copious amounts of humor, this third film in the series takes comedy to new, extraterrestrial heights.

This , the spotlight shifts to the latest in the series: Barbie & Kendra Crash Joe Bob's Drive-In Jamboree. This time, our comical duo sets off to Vegas to save an outdoor theatre from being turned into a golf course. After surviving Corona Zombies, saving the Tiger King, and storming Area 51, can they pull off another mission while juggling their crushes and their for movies? To find the answer, you'll have to tune in this summer!

Adding to the zany ensemble are renowned movie host Joe Bob Briggs, Diana Prince (a.k.a. Darcy the Mail Girl), Dave Sheridan (Scary Movie) and Felissa Rose from Sleepaway Camp, donning the role of Stu Dio. The franchise's use of stock footage, playfully dubbed over to create new narratives, continues in this film with the 1977 Exorcist knock-off Ruby getting a new lease of .

Full Moon has struck comic with the Barbie & Kendra series that thrived amid a global pandemic. Their approach of rehashing classic movie footage and dubbing it with sarcasm and slapstick has definitely found a dedicated . So, if you're a fan, clear your calendar this week for a Barbie & Kendra marathon. And if you're new to this bizarre universe, buckle up for a hilarious ride!

Megan Dianehttps://www.projectcasting.com
Hi, I'm Megan Browne, the Head of Partnerships at Project Casting - a job board for the entertainment industry. As Head of Partnerships, I help businesses find the best talent for their influencer campaigns, photo shoots, and film productions. Creating these partnerships has enabled me to help businesses scale and reach their true potential. I'm excited to continue driving growth by connecting people with projects they're passionate about.


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