Are you looking for a monologue? Search our collection of Popular Monologues for Free!
Monologues are essential to providing the casting director a feel for the person auditioning as well as providing the moment for the actor to shine. This iconic monologue by Alexandra Medford played by Cher in the movie “The WItches of Eastwick” is an amazing monologue that will allow for any female to illustrate her comedic talents as well as illustrating a layer of sassiness.
Film The Witches of Eastwick
Author Michael Cristofer
Role Alexandra Medford
Actor Cher
Free Monologues
Project Casting understands how hard it is to find the perfect monologue for your next audition. That is why we created a continuously growing Monologue Directory. We feature monologues in various categories ranging from Dramatic, Comedic to even Classical Shakespearian Pieces. Feel free to look around as we are sure to have the perfect monologue for you.
Except where otherwise posted, the monologues we provide on this site are free to use for teaching and education purposes. View our disclaimer here. Proper credit is given to authors and writers where applicable.