Hannibal is a new Drama on NBC. It is centered on an FBI agent who seeks the help from a popular, and upstanding psychiatrist who is secretly a serial killer. It was developed for TV by Bryan Fuller, and is based on the series of novels by Thomas Harris on and will concentrate on the relationship between the FBI agent and the criminal profiler. The series has already received a 13 episodes order. David Slade is scheduled to executive produce and direct the pilot and series.
Hannibal (Drama) features Hugh Dancy, and is in association with Bryan Fuller, Martha De Laurentiis, and Katie O’Connell.
Principal Casting Information
Casting: Cami Patton and Christal Karge, Cami Patton Casting, 4640 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. 511, North Hollywood, CA 91602.
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