Community is a comedy created by Dan Harmon that premiered in 2009 on NBC. The show follows a group of students at a community college in a fictional city, Greendale, Colorado. The show features meta-humor and multiple pop culture references, often times parodying popular films and TV clichés. The show has yet to gain a large audience, but as received positive feedback from critics. As of may 2012, the show has been renewed for a fourth season. But, the show will continue without the series creator Dan Harmon. Community features Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, Danny Pudy in association with Krasnoff/Foster Entertainment, Dan Harmon Productions, and Universal Television.
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Community Juel Bestrop, 4024 Radford Ave., Edit Bldg. 2, 2nd Fl., Studio City, CA 91604.
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