Netflix's Insatiable is now hiring teen actors in Atlanta, Georgia.
Casting directors are seeking talent to work on Tuesday, October 3rd in Atlanta, Georgia. Producers are seeking the following roles:
- Now Casting ALL students males and females who are 18+ to play a fun high school scene on Tuesday 10/3.
About Insatiable:
Debby Ryan stars in a story about a disgraced, dissatisfied civil lawyer-turned-beauty pageant coach takes on a vengeful, bullied teenager as his client and has no idea what he's about to unleash upon the world. To audition for a role on Insatiable, check out the casting call breakdown below.
Insatiable Casting Call
$$$ HIGHER PAY RATE SHOW $$$ *******I N S A T I A B L E********* NETFLIX SERIES STUDENTS, STUDENTS, STUDENTS! Now Casting ALL students males and females who are 18+ to play a fun high school scene on Tuesday 10/3. Rate: $88/10 Location: Atlanta, GA “STUDENTS” – TUE 10/3 (18TLY) Males and females, any ethnicity. If you fit the description and would like to be considered for a role, please submit to [email protected]. What do you think? Discuss this story with fellow Project Casting fans on Facebook. On Twitter, follow us at @projectcasting.
If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply