Longmire is a crime drama that premiered in the summer of 2012 on A&E. The series was created by John Coveny and Hunt Baldwin and is based on the novel series written by Craig Johnson. The plot of the show follows Walt Longmire, the Sherrif of Absarok County, Wyoming. Longmire returns to his job after his wife dies. But, with the assistance of his daughter, new deputy, and best friend, Longmire investigates major crimes and prepares to run for Sherrif. Starring Robert Tayler, Katee Sackhoff, and Bailey Chase. Produced by Warner Horizon Television and The Shephard/Robin Company.
Principal Casting Information
Junie Lowry-Johnson and Libby Goldstein, 1041 N. Formosa Ave., Formosa Bldg., Rm. 94, West Hollywood, CA 90046. Premiered June 3.
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