Choosing between acting coaches, acting classes and acting workshops?
Many actors have a trouble deciding between acting coaches, acting classes or acting workshops.
But, it could be a very daunting task to choose which type of class to take. But, at the end of the day, does it really matter? When the difference between an acting coach and an acting class is a couple of hundred dollars, then yes.
Here are a few things you should know about acting coaches, acting classes, and acting workshops before you fork over your money.
Acting Coaches
Many professional actors consider private coaches a resource for a specific audition and someone who can help you specifically on sides or on a monologue. Most of the time it can be very difficult to train for acting by yourself, because filmmaking is not a one-player sport. So, a professional acting coach and fine tune your acting skills in order to make you, specifically a better actor and concentrate you strengths and/or weaknesses.
Acting Workshops
Acting Workshops are typically held by casting directors for popular TV shows and or movies. Typically, casting directors will highlight upon the things they specifically look for in an audition and in an actor. One of the benefits of an acting workshop is the opportunity to actually meet the casting director. This is almost invaluable because most of the time it is not what you can do but who you know. So, by introducing yourself and showcasing your skills to the casting director in an a less formal setting will allow you to make a connection that could not otherwise be made.
Acting Classes
A majority of acting classes are held by “working actors”, professional acting coaches, and casting directors. The benefits of an acting class my differ from every acting instructor and each acting class. Essentially, acting classes can provide you the basics of acting. From learning how to audition, to learning how to portray certain emotions; acting classes can provide you with the foundation for your acting career. But, it is important to ask actors who have taken that actor’s classes for their perspective. (Warning: Some actors are very loyal to their acting instructor, do not take a single person’s recommendation for an acting class as a genuine reflection of the class. ASK AROUND!)
Overall it is important to figure who would be the best match for YOU and your acting career. Each individual is different and so is every acting class. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses you can increase your acting ability and your chances of landing a role that will take your career to the next level.
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photo credit: Daniele Zedda via photopin cc