Sony’s Feature Film 22 Jump Street Starring Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill is currently accepting crew resumes in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Producers for the upcoming feature film, 22 Jump Street is currently seeking crew members for the upcoming production.
Filming is scheduled to start in September and continue through early December in New Orleans, Louisiana.
But, what’s the difference between the first one? Well, according to NOLA, “What will be different, however, is that instead of sending Hill and Tatum to investigate a high-school-campus drug ring — as in the first film,shot largely on the Riverdale High School campus — the story this time will see the boys being packed off to college. ”
To apply see the information below. We will keep you updated on all casting opportunities for this feature film.
Sony’s feature film
22 Jump Street
Staring: Ice Cube
Channing Tatum
and Jonah Hill
will shoot September
28th through December 11th
in New Orleans, Louisiana
Please send crew resumes to:
[email protected]
photo credit: Guillaume Paumier via photopin cc