Richmond Airport is filming a commercial and is seeking actors to work on the production.
Arvold Casting is casting regional actors for TV commercials for the Richmond Airport in Virginia.
Casting directors are seeking the following roles:
COMEDIAN – 30s to 40s, Male, Any Ethnicity. Must be believable as a real, experienced, working comedian.
CALM MAN – 30′s, Male, Caucasian. A calm traveler with a pleasant, relaxed demeanor who always enjoys his travel experiences. CALM GUY is well groomed and confident.
SWEATING GUY – 30′s, Male, Caucasian. A hurried, stressed traveler who is on-edge, nervous, disheveled and erratic.
Auditions are scheduled for June 9th to 11th in Charlottesville, Virginia. Shooting will take place on Wednesday, June 18th and Thursday, June 19th. All Actors will be compensated $700/day and lodging/transportation.
To apply follow the following ONLINE SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS:
Please send your headshot and resume in PDF format to [email protected]. Please include ALL the following information at the top of your email submission IN THIS ORDER:
- Name:
- Height:
- Weight:
- Union Status (SAG-AFTRA or Non-Union):
- Age or Age Range:
- City, State:
- Email:
- Cell Phone:
- Agent (if any) and agent contact info (email and phone):
- Do you have your own Agency Pro account with us which is current and updated (answer YES or NO or explain):
- Confirm FULL AVAIL or provide availability info below:
- Availability to attend audition in Charlottesville June 9th to June 11 (FULL AVAIL or list dates/time of day avail):
- Availability for the shoot dates in Richmond of Wednesday, June 18th and Thursday, June 19th? (answer YES or NO or explain):
- Have you ever appeared in airport or airlines commercial and/or media campaign? (answer YES or NO):
- If YES, what spot and what year?
- If you have any physical limitations, describe here (if none, write NONE):
- If cast, would you be willing to cut your hair if asked? (answer YES or NO):
- If cast, would you be willing to be clean shaven if asked? (answer YES or NO):
Finally, please put the following SUBJECT HEADING for your submission (personalized to YOU):
For example:
For more details and how to apply, Click Here!
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