Californiacation is a drama/comedy television series that debuted on Showtime in 2007. Tom Kapinos created the show and it is centered on Hank Moody played by David Ducohvny as a troubled novelist who moves to California to escape writer’s block which ends up complicating things with his long-term girlfriend and his daughter. The show has been nominated and won several awards, including one Emmy Award and another Golden Globe award. Due to the shows strong ratings it was renewed for another season and will begin filming for the sixth season in 2013.
Californiacation features David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone, and Pamela Adlon. Californiacation is produced by Aggressive Mediocrity, and Totally Commercial Films.
Principal Casting Information
Californication Felicia Fasano Casting, 8621 Hayden Place, Culver City, CA 90232.
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