Looking for stage trained actors who are interested in networking w/ USC film students by acting as a murder victim/dead body for a 310 (intermediate class project). This is an excellent opportunity to meet the filmmakers who will be shooting their senior thesis films in the fall. I am doing the casting for background and I’m looking for actors who are dependable, well-trained, able to follow direction and able to commit to all shoot dates needed for their character this weekend. It’s important that actors are positive, patient, easy to get along with and understand the long hours needed to complete a day of shooting. If this sound like you, please send me a photo and resume or a link and tell me a bit about yourself. (2-3 sentences.) Any dance, movement, athletic training is a plus, as well as the ability to hold your breath for a good amount of time, be still in a possibly physically awkward position on the floor and ACT DEAD. Please send photo/ resume/ link and any info that helps me get a good sense of your work as an actor and your level of interest for this unpaid, background role.
Here are the roles:
Female stab victim (Please state that you will be available both days/nights, friday and sunday, 4/17 & 4/19 )
Male victim that gets locked in a fridge and grows moldy (Please state that you will be available friday 4/17, day/night)
Female that gets strangled (Please state that you will be both days/nights, friday and sunday, 4/17 & 4/19 )
Male that gets poisoned (Please state that you will be available both days/nights, friday and sunday, 4/17 & 4/19 )
To apply email: [email protected]
Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.
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