Home Entertainment News The Controversial Casting of Denzel Washington in ‘Philadelphia’

The Controversial Casting of Denzel Washington in ‘Philadelphia’

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Key Takeaways:

Jonathan Demme initially didn't want Denzel Washington in the cast of the movie “Philadelphia”.
– Despite his proven prowess, Washington was dissuaded due to a combination of his ethnicity and the homosexual character in the film.
– Denzel Washington's determination to play the role of lawyer Joe Miller eventually paid off, with effective performances that added depth to the movie.
– The -winning movie tackled progressive themes and won widespread acclaim.

Getting the Right for a Challenging Role

“Philadelphia”, a groundbreaking film released in 1993, was surrounded by controversy during its production phase. The notable cause of discord was centered around the choice of its cast. The highly acclaimed director, Jonathan Demme, initially aimed to prevent one actor, in particular, Denzel Washington, from joining the team.

Why Demme Hesitated in Choosing Denzel

Despite Washington's undeniable talent and rising fame in Hollywood, Demme had reservations about hiring him for the challenging role of lawyer Joe Miller. He had Robin Williams or Bill Murray in his mind for the role, believing that their comedic skills would make them more relatable to the . Demme's reluctance to have Washington on board had more to do with expressing concern over featuring a character who was both gay and a member of a racial minority.

The Unexpected Turn of

A encounter on a flight with Edward Saxon, the co-producer of “Philadelphia”, changed the course of events. Washington expressed his interest in reading the script which Saxon was working on. Upon delving into the story, Washington a deep connection to the character of Joe Miller. Despite initial reservations related to the role, he was determined to play Miller, who evolves from a homophobic person into a close friend of ' character, Andrew Beckett.

Demme's Push Back and Washington's Defiance

Despite Washington's determination to be part of the film, Demme wasn't immediately convinced. He even tried to persuade Washington to avoid the role by hinting that the character needed a comedic touch. However, Washington's resolve remained unshaken. His reply to Demme's hesitation was simple: “I can be funny”.

Philadelphia – A Movie Remembered for the Right Reasons

Despite a start, the movie “Philadelphia” released in 1993 to widespread critical acclaim. The story discusses HIV/AIDS, homophobia, and discrimination. Tom Hanks as Andrew Beckett portrays the journey of a successful lawyer wrongfully fired for his HIV-positive status. Denzel Washington, as Joe Miller, represents Beckett in his lawsuit against his previous employers. The film's superb casting and narrative added depth to these sensitive themes, resonating strongly with audiences worldwide.

Wrapping Up

The film turned out to be a triumph in many ways, leading discussions on crucial societal themes and winning two Oscars. This success wouldn't have been possible without Denzel Washington's persistence to be part of the film, and his superb portrayal of Joe Miller remains unforgettable. It serves as a reminder that even in the world of Hollywood, individuals can overcome bias and tribulations to create stories that genuinely matter.

The film “Philadelphia” can now be streamed on Peacock. For those who haven't watched it yet, the story is sure to leave a lasting impact. Just remember, this memorable movie might have had a very different feel if not for a determined actor's persistence on a serendipitous flight.



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