Home Entertainment News George Lucas Reveals the Original Fearsome Name Idea for Luke Skywalker

George Lucas Reveals the Original Fearsome Name Idea for Luke Skywalker

Hollywood, California

Key Takeaways:

– George Lucas, creator of Wars, originally intended to name Luke Skywalker as “Luke Starkiller”.
– Lucas felt the ‘Starkiller' name was not fitting for the and was more suitable character, Anakin Skywalker.
– This lead to the birth of character Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller, in the 2008 game “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed”.

Excitingly, we recently out that Luke Skywalker, the hero of Star Wars, might not have been named Skywalker initially. George Lucas, the genius behind the Star Wars universe, intended to name Luke differently – we potentially could've had a hero named Luke Starkiller!

From Skywalker to Starkiller

Telling the story of a novice discovering his destiny, the Star Wars features names designed with careful thought. Each character's name carries a unique meaning with Lucas, giving an intent and origin behind it. For our protagonist Luke, his initial name was going to be Luke Starkiller. Starkiller, a term suggestive of immense strength and danger, did not fit the character profile of our growing hero.

In a chat with , Lucas emphasized the importance of character-appropriate names. He acknowledged that ‘Starkiller' would have been a good fit for Anakin Skywalker, but found it too weighty for his son. The name “Starkiller” had a coolness about it, but he found it was not suitable for our hero who was destined for redemption.

Say Hello to the Real Starkiller

The fact that George Lucas didn't use the name ‘Starkiller' for Luke Skywalker worked out well for fans who got to know a character by the same name. Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller, was introduced to the world through the 2008 game “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed”. Marek was a human apprentice to Darth Vader who developed a fierce loyalty towards his master. Due to this loyalty, he ended up using his force to defeat rebels in the universe, thereby earning him the name ‘Starkiller'.

The Story of Galen Marek

Vader and his master Sidious invaded Marek's planet and noticed the child had some Force around him. They abducted him and he later received intensive training under Vader's guidance. However, Vader betrayed Marek twice, leading to his death while saving his .

Understanding the Dynamics

Naming our protagonist as Luke Starkiller would have indeed given the Star Wars series a different dimension. The world might never have met Galen Marek and the incredible legacy he would leave behind through the “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed”. This game, launched in 2008, remains amongst the best Star Wars games and can be purchased on consoles such as Xbox, PS3, and Switch, and also on computers.


Lucas' idea of naming Luke ‘Starkiller' sparked a fascinating backstory. His change of heart ultimately allowed for the introduction of another beloved character, Galen Marek, in the Star Wars universe. So, the next time you address Luke Skywalker, remember he could well have been ‘Luke Starkiller'. Quite an exciting tidbit to whet the appetites of ardent Star Wars fans, don't you agree?



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