Home Entertainment News Dave Grohl’s Attempt to Roast Taylor Swift Backfires Horribly

Dave Grohl’s Attempt to Roast Taylor Swift Backfires Horribly

Taylor Swift
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Key Takeaways:

– Dave Grohl, of Foo Fighters, hinted at 's musicians not playing during her tours, causing a stir.
– Swift's are fuming and trolling him mercilessly.
– Grohl cited an alleged incident of Taylor Swift saving him from embarrassment at Paul McCartney's party.
– Despite the controversy, Taylor Swift's global ‘Eras Tour' is still wildly popular.

Dave Grohl Takes a Dig at Taylor Swift

In a surprising of during Foo Fighters' at the Stadium, Dave Grohl, the band's frontman, made some controversial remarks. Apparently, he suggested that Taylor Swift's musicians weren't playing live during her widely successful ‘Eras Tour'. This has inevitably put him in the line of fire of Swift's devoted fanbase also known as ‘Swifties'.

Grohl's Controversial Statement During His Show

Grohl made it a point to distinguish his band from others during their live performance. He was quoted saying, “We like to call our tour ‘The Errors Tour'. We've had more than two eras and more than a few errors as well but that's because we actually play live.” The insinuation behind his statements hints at other musicians like Taylor Swift who, according to him, might not always play live.

Backlash from Swifties Fans

These insinuations didn't go down well with Swift's loyal fans, who have since been trolling Grohl relentlessly. They were quick to remind Grohl of an incident where Swift allegedly rescued him from an embarrassing situation at Paul McCartney's party. In his defense, Grohl had confessed on the Howard Stern Show of him getting too high at the party to perform, when Swift stepped in and saved the day.

Fans Express Their Outrage on

The social media response was swift and brutal, with many fans pointing a finger back at Grohl and his controversies. From highlighting empty seats at Foo Fighters' concerts to pointing out his past mistakes, fans weren't holding back. A fan tweeted, “Didn't he tell a story of being at Paul McCartney's house and being asked to do a song, but he couldn't play the piano, so Taylor Swift saved him from embarrassment? This seems an odd way to repay that kindness.” This sentiment was echoed by many others who Grohl was using this controversy to gain attention.

The Impact on Grohl's Reputation

Grohl's attempt to throw shade at Swift seems to have backfired. Instead of damaging Swift's stellar reputation, it has led to an increase in his own negative publicity. While the controversy may have gained him some attention, it is questionable whether this was the attention he wanted. It would appear, on the contrary, to be a considerable mistake on his part.

Taylor Swift's Unfazed by Controversy

Despite Grohl's attempt to stir up controversy, Swift's ‘Eras Tour' continues to thrive, attracting millions globally. Her die-hard fans, known as Swifties, are more than ready to battle anyone who points a finger at their beloved , as Grohl has unfortunately learned.


The moral of the story seems to be, before you decide to roast Taylor Swift, you might want to make sure you're playing a perfect game yourself! As Dave Grohl's comments appear to have stirred up more controversy for him than for Swift, this episode seems like a case of live by your words, die by your words. For the moment, at least, it seems like Swift's every move is grounded in gold while Grohl's attempt at controversy has only sparked more interest in her ongoing, hugely successful ‘Eras Tour'.



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