Australia Casting Calls & Acting Auditions
Find the latest Australia Casting Calls on Project Casting.
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Job Types
- Australia
Casting an upcoming commercial for an Online Shopping Platform.
We’re looking for bright and quirky characters who can dance/move. Do not have to be trained in dance, just confident movers.
We want to cast a diverse representation of modern Australia. Different ethnicities, genders identities, ages, sizes and abilities.
Looking for the below:
- 1. MALES 20 – 50 yrs
- 2. FEMALES 20 – 50 yrs
- 3. FEMALES 50+
NB: We are open to casting all gender identities for the roles listed above. Although some roles have specified genders attached, if you see a character that you connect with, feel free to apply for that particular role.
SHOOT DATES: 6th + 7th October 2021 (1 x 10 hr shoot day)
*Please note that all precautions are being taken by production and the client to make sure talent will be working in a clean and safe environment. COVID safe plans will be adhered to on set.
Selected talent will receive between $500 – $2,800 AUD for their involvement, depending on their level of feature.
*All fees are less tax and plus super
We are casting a range of people to be featured in an upcoming commercial. We’re looking for confident people who love to get out and have fun.
- 1. Females (18 – 35yrs)
- 2. Males (30 – 45yrs)
- 3. Males (60 – 75yrs)
- 4. Children (6 – 8yrs)
We are open to casting all gender identities for the roles listed above. Although some roles have specified genders attached, if you see a character that you connect with, feel free to apply for that particular role.
SHOOT DATES: 22nd – 25th of September 2021 (1 x shoot day)
*Please note that all precautions are being taken by production and the client to make sure talent will be working in a clean and safe environment. COVID safe plans will be adhered to on set.
Selected talent will receive between $1,000 AUD – $3,000 AUD for their involvement.
*All fees are less tax and plus super
If interested, please fill out the form on the link below ASAP. The deadline to apply is 10th September at 5pm.
- We are looking for an attractive male – aged 27 – 34. This is a well paying job that is shooting beginning of September.
- Successful person will be paid between $2500 to $9000 dependant on which role they get.
- 1. INDIVIDUALS (25 – 35yrs)
- 2. REAL MUM (40-50yrs) + TEEN (15 + yrs)
- *Talent should be available for both dates
- *Please note that all precautions are being taken by production and the client to make sure talent will be working in a clean and safe environment. COVID safe plans will be adhered to on set.
- Asian Male – 25-40 years of age – Motorbike licence required
- Older Male (all ethnicities) – 45-50 years of age – Motorbike licence required
- POC Female – 25-40 years of age, dynamic look, wearing black leather riding gear – Motorbike licence optional
- 45 years and older
- Reasonably fit
- Average height (no taller than 180 cm)