Clayton State University’s Georgia Film Academy Certificate program is now looking for students.
According to the Georgia Film Academy, “ The projected industry growth over the next three to five years will generate 3,000 to 5,000 new jobs, and the average earnings for jobs on set are $84,00.00 a year. ”
The pilot certification program created by Georgia Film Academy features two semester long courses. “The first is more classroom based, though it includes hands-on experience with industry standard equipment, and during the second course students will spend a semester on-set of actual film and television productions.”
The Georgia Film Academy offers a two-course certification program specifically designed to provide students with a basic level of on-set film production skills, knowledge and experience with film-industry standard organizational structure, professional equipment and on-set procedures. Our courses offer you extensive hands-on experience.
What are the benefits to the Georgia Film Academy Certificate?
The GFA reports that the Certification will showcase those hiring in the film industry that you ahve received the educational and hands-on training necessary to produce films in the film industry including the basic understanding of “film-industry standard organizational structure, professional equipment and on-set procedures.”

Here are the programs available in the Clayton State University program:
Associate of Arts in Film Production
The two-year, 60-credit program is for those interested in pursuing a career in the film industry, and for those already working in the industry that are seeking an opportunity to earn both a college degree and GFA Certification. The program includes the 18-credits required for GFA Certification.
Applying as a Freshman Student
A freshman student is someone who will graduate or who has graduated from high school within the last five years and has never attended another college other than for dual enrollment credit while in high school.
Extended application and required materials deadline for spring 2016:
December 15, 2015
Registration deadlines:
Spring (January) – December 15
Summer (May) – April 15
Fall (August) – July 15
Students from Other Institutions
Students who are currently enrolled at another institution may also pursue the GFA Certification opportunity at Clayton State. Students may earn college credit while being a non-degree student and credits may be transferred to your home institution.
Applying as a Transient Student
Students applying for the non-degree, for-credit option would be considered a transient student in the application process. Students from another college or university would enroll at Clayton State to satisfy degree requirements from their home institution. Transient students may complete the 18 credits that include GFA certification.
Extended application and required materials deadline for spring 2016:
January 6, 2016
Registration deadlines:
Spring (January) – January 6
Summer (May) – April 15
Fall (August) – July 15
Certification (non-credit program)
The non-credit, certification-only option is a two-course, 18-credit program specifically designed to provide you with a basic level of on-set film production skills, knowledge and experience with film-industry standard organizational structure, professional equipment and on-set procedures.
Registering for the Certification program
Students may enroll for these courses through Clayton State University’s Continuing Education program. Please note that continuing education courses do not count as college credit and are not eligible for most forms of state and federal financial aid.
Classes begin:
Spring (January)
Summer (May)
Fall (August)