Why spend thousands of dollars on expensive headshots, when you can use your cell phone a big mac box?
French photographer Philippe Echaroux, 34, uses a light, a straw, an iPhone and a Big Mac box to take amazing professional photos of strangers. Using his iPhone for shooting and retouching, and a lightning rod and basic supplies, the photographer completed The Big Mac Portrait Challenge.
In a video made by Philippe, in which he documented his journey to create the perfect camera set-up with just a few McDonalds items, he explains what it is that he was asked to do.
‘I’ve been asked to make some portraits, using my iPhone for shooting and retouching, a little flashlight and… a Big Mac,’ he tells the camera.
His first stop was to visit his local McDonald’s to pick up the necessary supplies, before finding someone to photograph. After taking their photos, he only used three apps to make the images look amazing including VSCO, Photoshop FIX, and Lightroom Mobile.
Despite his hesitation, the success of the project is evident with the final results, which transform each of his subjects, making them look like professional models and not strangers off the street.
He said the most challenging part of the original project was not feeling stupid in front of his subjects while he held his homemade lighting rod, according to Bored Panda.
The photographer revealed that his goal was to show off his shooting skills but to push people not to be afraid of bringing their idea to life, even if they don’t have the resources they may need.
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