

Earthquake Shakes KTLA Anchors on LIVE Television (VIDEO)

Los Angeles had a 4.4 magnitude earthquake this Morning morning, and KTLA anchors Megan Henderson and Chris Schauble were caught on the air and...

Acting Tip – Stay in Character to Improve Your Audition [Video]

Here is a common mistake actors make during auditions. Most actors fail to stay in character after their audition. For example, as soon as the...

Was Bobby Hill the Yellow King? HBO’s True Detective Gets a Video Mix with ‘King of The Hill’ [Video]

There are so many similarities between 'King of the Hill' and HBO's True Detective it is almost scary! Watch this video mash-up between HBO's True...

This is the Best President Campaign Video – ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Parody Ever

Tommy Bolger is running to be President of the Student Union of Ireland’s University of Limerick From throwing away toast. To making only 8 bucks...

What Happens When You Mix Lady Gaga with Pokemon? [VIDEO]

Watch what happens when 'you gotta catch 'em all' meets Lady Gaga pokeStyle! If you ever spent your Saturday mornings watch whetehr or not Pikachu...


$3,000+ Casting Call: Stunt Fighters & Wrestlers Needed for Action-Packed Commercial

💥 Quick Takeaways: Casting professional wrestlers and stunt performers for...

Chicago Fire’ Casting Call: Soccer Players Needed for TV Scene

⚽ Quick Takeaways: NBC’s Chicago Fire is casting male soccer...

$1,500/Day Casting Call: Skateboarders Wanted for Major Clothing Brand Photoshoot

🎯 Quick Takeaways: A major clothing brand is casting skateboarders...

Nike Commercial Casting Call – Older Male Barber Wanted in NYC

🎯 Quick Takeaways: Nike is casting an older male actor...