

Jurassic World: Jurassic Park 4 Extras Casting Call in New Orleans, Louisiana

Casting directors and producers are holding another open casting call for the upcoming feature film, Jurassic World. Producers for ‘Jurassic World’ are looking for men, women, children...

‘The Fantastic Four’ Reboot is Now Filming in Louisiana

Today marks the first day of filming for The Fantastic Four reboot. The movie stars Toby Kebbell (Dr. Doom), Tim Blake Nelson as Harvey Elder (Mole Man),...


$3,000+ Casting Call: Stunt Fighters & Wrestlers Needed for Action-Packed Commercial

💥 Quick Takeaways: Casting professional wrestlers and stunt performers for...

Chicago Fire’ Casting Call: Soccer Players Needed for TV Scene

⚽ Quick Takeaways: NBC’s Chicago Fire is casting male soccer...

$1,500/Day Casting Call: Skateboarders Wanted for Major Clothing Brand Photoshoot

🎯 Quick Takeaways: A major clothing brand is casting skateboarders...

Nike Commercial Casting Call – Older Male Barber Wanted in NYC

🎯 Quick Takeaways: Nike is casting an older male actor...