
Jamie Dornan

Jamie Dornan’s ‘UNTOGETHER’ Casting Call for Mothers

Untogether starring Jamie Dornan is now casting pregnant mothers in Los Angeles Jeff Olan Casting is looking for pregnant women in the Los Angeles, California area to...

‘Synchronic’ Starring Anthony Mackie, Jamie Dornan is Now Hiring Actors

Synchronic starring Anthony Mackie and Jamie Dornan is now hiring actors to work as stand-ins and photo doubles in New Orleans, Louisiana. Casting directors are now...


Tyler Perry Studios TV Pilot Casting Call for Real Estate Couples

Takeaways for Entertainment Professionals What: Tyler Perry Studios is casting...

Millie Bobby Brown Reflects on Shaving Her Head for ‘Stranger Things’ and Wants to Do It Again

Takeaways: Millie Bobby Brown found shaving her head for Stranger...

Top IP Attorneys to Share NIL Licensing Tips at I ♡ Trademarks Conference

Key Takeaways: Learn how to legally use your name,...

Francis Ford Coppola’s Next Film: A Musical with a Budget Twist

Key Takeaways: Francis Ford Coppola is prepping a new...