"Prisoners" centers on a working-class Boston father who attempts to track down the person who is responsible for kidnapping his daughter and her friend. However,...
Tammy Smith Casting of Atlanta is currently seeking background actors for the upcoming motion picture "Prisoners" starring Hugh Jackman.
"Prisoners" centers on a working-class Boston father...
The Son starring Hugh Jackman is now casting a principal speaking role.
Casting directors are now casting actors, models, and talent to work on scenes filming...
Warner Bros. new movie ‘The Jade Earring‘ starring Hugh Jackman is now casting a ton of new roles in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Casting directors are now hiring actors, models,...
Warner Bros. new movie ‘The Jade Earring‘ starring Hugh Jackman is now hiring actors in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Casting directors are now casting actors, models, and talent to work...