Eastbound & Down is an American comedy television series broadcast on HBO, starring Danny McBride as Kenny Powers, a former professional baseball pitcher, who after an up and down career in the major...
Boston Casting plans to hold an open casting call for the upcoming movie The Judge, starring Robert Downey Jr., in Shelburne Falls, MA on Saturday, May 18.
Robert John Downey,...
Goodrecords is an upcoming series. The producers of the show boast on their Facebook page that
"Home is where your records play. Affectionately preferring a...
Casting directors are currently seeking SAG background actors to work on an upcoming print shoot. The compensation for the project is greater than $500!...
Casting Directors are currently casting actors for an upcoming episode of "Royal Pains" filming in New York.Royal Pains is a medical comedy-drama television series which premiered on USA Network on...