Home Entertainment News Unpacking Kylo Ren’s Controversial Killings in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Unpacking Kylo Ren’s Controversial Killings in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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ToKyo, Japan - Feb 19 2017, Darth Vader from Star wars with Stormtroopers army figures in background (AKKHARAT JARUSILAWONG / Shutterstock.com)

Key Takeaways:

– Kylo Ren, played by Adam Driver, has committed questionable killings in Wars: The Force Awakens.
– Taking the of Lor San Tekka makes little sense considering Ren's goals and motivations.
– Ren's decision to kill is seen as unnecessary and emotionally harsh by many .
– Han Solo's untimely cut short possibilities for further development and narrative expansion.

As fans of the Star Wars saga rustle the vast galaxies for revelations, certain moments prove perplexing. While the franchise has carved a successful pathway through sequels, prequels, series, and -offs, some plot elements leave fans baffled. Particularly, the actions of Kylo Ren, portrayed by Adam Driver, towards Han Solo and his killing of Lor San Tekka have triggered widespread debates and discussions.

Kylo Ren and Lor San Tekka: A Confusing Connection

Adam Driver's character, Kylo Ren, Lor San Tekka in The Force Awakens, principally because Tekka possessed vital information about the location of the missing Jedi, Luke Skywalker. Despite this underlying motive, fans repeatedly stumble upon the logic of this action.

For starters, killing Tekka does not secure the destruction of the map to Luke Skywalker, as replicated pieces or alternative sources could exist. Believing that Tekka was the only repository of this knowledge seems short-sighted on Ren's part.

Moreover, there is a hinted, yet unexplored connection between Ren and Tekka, arising from their conversation in The Force Awakens. By ending Tekka's life without delving deeper into their relationship, Ren's character complexity takes a hit. This lack of exploration is seen as an inconsistency, leaving fans longing for a more sensible character arc.

More than an act to advance the plot, Ren's decision appears as a plot device to accentuate his antagonistic side, which fans find hard to reconcile.

What Made Han Solo's Killing Unnecessary?

Kylo Ren's of Han Solo, however, caught more negative attention, with fans deeming it as unnecessary and heartrending.

Although it did exhibit Ren's internal struggle and preference for the dark side, many argue that this could have been revealed through different mechanisms that didn't necessitate killing a beloved character. Han Solo's abrupt death seemed to rob the sequel trilogy of for further narrative progressions and character development.

Beyond that, the departure of Solo, an iconic character in the saga, was seen as somewhat premature. His untimely demise can be perceived as a reduced valuation of his legacy and contribution to the Star Wars saga. Fans opine that Solo merited a fitting send-off, something that could acknowledge his standing within the franchise and strike a deeper chord with the audiences.

As a result, the Star Wars fandom circles seem to be grappling with the confusion and disappointment over these plot points. It serves as a reminder of the need for solid character building and logical plot progressions, which play a crucial role in generating narratives that resonate with the audience.

Watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens for a refresher or first-time watch on + to form your own opinions on these contentious moments in the saga. These aspects of the storyline, while debatable, undeniably add a layer of intrigue to the ever-expanding Star Wars universe.



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