Lane Bryant’s new commercial featuring plus-sized models was rejected by multiple TV networks.
A commercial starring Ashley Graham and other plus-sized models had allegedly been rejected by two major TV networks. Plus size clothing chain Lane Bryant has shot a commercial starring Ashley, who recently featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated, and a team of other models embracing their curves while dressed in lingerie. But according to TMZ, the ad was banned by both ABC and NBC.
The commercial, which is part of Lane Bryant’s This Body campaign, shows size 14 models sharing positive words about their bodies.
The group start off by saying the line “this body” in turn as the camera pans over close-ups of their curves. The girls then say that they love their bodies, with Ashley seen kick boxing in a sports bra and shorts saying: ‘This body is made for being bold, powerful and sexy.’
Sources connected to Lane Bryant have told TMZ that the advert was rejected by ABC and NBC.
The site writes that neither network ‘provided specifics about what crossed the line … other than to say they were turning it down “as is.”‘
TMZ goes on to claim that their sources believe the rejection of the commercial is down to a “size issue and not nudity,” pointing out that Victoria’s Secret commercials, and others featuring thinner models, are currently airing.