Embarrassed Taye Diggs explains why he followed everyone on Twitter.
Back in April, Hollywood actor, Taye Diggs (The Best Man and The Best Man Holiday) began following new people on Twitter. Not just a few people, but a ton of people. He followed so many people so quickly he ramped up thousands upon thousands of people per day. He followed a volunteer fire department, a youth soccer camp, and a wine ice cream.
Today, Taye Diggs follows nearly 45,500 people. No one really knew why he followed so many people. He never really engaged with anyone on Twitter and commented on and basically used his Twitter to tell the world what he thought about.
But, in a recent interview with Matt Lauer, Taye Diggs explains why he had suddenly began following Twitter Users.
Essentially he says, that a social media expert told him to do so.
“Literally—I mean I’m embarrassed. Everyone was telling me I needed to have more of a presence on Twitter. So I met with this dude who deals in social network [sic] and he said ‘Instead of focusing on always disseminating information, why don’t you focus on using it as a ticker?’ So [I] gave him a bunch of people that I was interested in, from athletes to people in politics, just a whole bunch of people. And then he started following people for me.
Despite being embarrassed he says he loves following so many people and that he did it on purpose.
Without getting a personal assistant, the reason why people or businesses tend to follow a lot of people on Twitter is due to studies showing that a person will most likely follow you back if you follow them. Forbes provides a great way to learn which are the right people to follow:
Follow users who follow your followers. By utilizing a free and low-cost tool like Tweepi, you can scan the list of accounts that follow your own followers on Twitter. As they are likely to share similar interests, you may consider following them as well.
Follow Taye Diggs on Twitter @TayeDiggs, he may just follow you back!